A strange coincidence | New NY 23rd

Every day, it looks like Hillary Clinton is getting closer to securing the Democratic nomination. That is one step closer to a Clinton presidency. Hillary Clinton, like my opponent John Plumb, worked for President Obama helping him create foreign policy that has endangered the lives of Americans. It is frightening to think that she could be our next president and John Plumb has endorsed her. We cannot afford to have people like John Plumb or Hillary Clinton elected into office when their actions have already endangered our families.–Tom Reed, May 2016

Congress has released facebook ads sponsored by Russians. Surprisingly, the categories and the ads are very similar to Tom Reed’s political advertising. Here are the categories with my comments.

  • Events: Some of Tom Reed’s meetings seemed designed to attract divisive protest which is featured in his advertising.
  • African-American Focused: ??
  • Immigration: ??
  • Second Amendment: Tom repeatedly claims that his opponents are anti-gun activists, and falsely claims that responsible firearm regulations conflict with the Second Amendment.
  • Heart of Texas: ??
  • LGBT: ??
  • Muslims: Tom has attacked “radical Muslim extremists.”
  • Veterans: Tom’s advertising suggests he supports veterans while his opponents do not.
  • Candidates: Tom’s advertising seeks to disparage his opponents by labeling them as extremists, attacking their character and appearance with doctored images, and linking them with Nancy Pelosi, Governor Cuomo, et. al. who are presumed to be evil persons.

Where I haven’t provided an example, perhaps readers will do so.

I might also have mentioned fake web sites, phony petitions, and efforts to promote conflict between Tompkins County and other counties in NY-23.


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Who decides about experimental drugs? | New NY 23rd

This article on Covid 19 was written by Arthur Ahrens of Branchport and is published here with permission. Views expressed by contributors are their own.

When I get sick, I follow my doctor’s recommendations. As everyoneshould. Science Rules!But science is not good for TRUMP, who has repeatedly ignored andbelittled scientists and epedemiologists, saying he knows best! Over thelast few months (YEARS in TRUMP TIME) President Trump has ignored adviceto wear masks, pushed coronavirus treatments includinghydroxychloroquine (many, many times), bleach and bright lights (not asmuch). He has indicated an interest in Oleandrin, a product pushed bymajor Trump donor, the My Pillow Guy.We should all be interested to see his medication list now that he isill with Covid-19.According to the President’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, President Trump

is presently receiving the following medications:

an experimental antibody cocktail made by the pharmaceutical companyRegeneron, vitamin D, zinc, Pepcid, melatonin, aspirin, dexamethasone (a

steroid reserved for severe infections).

As far as we know, he is NOT taking:

hydroxychloroquine, Oleandrin (pushed by the My Pillow Guy), Bleach. Nor has he been subjected to light strong enough to illuminate his

internal organs

 I will leave it to the reader to make their own conclusions.

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Verbage | New NY 23rd

Redundant verbage:

  • Breaking news (news)
  • Duly elected (elected) ; the qualifier is necessary because the election is suspicious.
  • Tax payer dollars (money); mostly borrowed money these days
  • Hard working taxpayer (taxpayer)
  • struggling dairy farmers (dairy farmers)
  • Beloved Christmas movie (Christmas movie)
  • Common sense (what I think)
  • We will never forget… (it is already mostly forgotten)
  • I am honored (I welcome the publicity)
  • Bipartisan (There is at least one blue-dog Democrat who agrees with me)

Are there others?

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Believe it or not | New NY 23rd

   The buck stops here. — Harry S. Truman

Can you believe it?

  1. President Eisenhower was embarrassed by a scandal over a fur coat and one lie he told.
  2. After Richard Nixon, accused of crime, cover-up, and lying about it, left office in disgrace, a future President would do all of that and more and be allowed to tough it out.
  3. After Bill Clinton had to answer charges with documents and a disposition, a future president would claim immunity to any lawsuit.
  4. After watching Al Gore, presiding over the Senate, accept defeat, there is a serious concern that a future defeated candidate might refuse to leave office.
  5. That we would elect a President with no experience in government or the military.
  6. That a President would agree to cooperate with the Senate but not the House.
  7. Tens of thousands of Americans would die in a pandemic, and the President would not make action a priority.
  8. Many would claim that the First Amendment prohibits government action to protect public health.
  9. After vaccines have saved so many lives, many would oppose vaccination.
  10. That education, science and expertise would be suspect.
  11. That many would not believe news reports; that many would not believe what the President says.

Better believe it.

This entry was posted in Political, Rights, Seniors, Trump and tagged covid-19, pandemic. Bookmark the permalink.

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The New York Times Magazine | New NY 23rd

To allow the recovery to begin, the United States must implement the kind of strategy that other countries have used to defeat the coronavirus. … Yet so far the country has failed to do so.–Robinson Meyer writing in The Atlantic. … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care Tagged covid-19, Lisa Sanders, Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine

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Reed’s health care views | New NY 23rd

Tom Reed writes:

Tom Reed continued his efforts to curb rising medical costs by supporting two pieces of legislation that would encourage healthcare innovations and find new ways to combat chronic illnesses. “We care about changing lives for the better through medical innovations because we understand the lifelong challenges of those with chronic diseases and conditions. It’s only right that we encourage improvements in our medical research and help these people live healthier lives. These innovations also will help keep rising healthcare costs in check,” said Reed

The National Clinical Care Commission Act creates a working group that will look for ways to streamline the use of federal funding targeted at programs that research metabolic or autoimmune disorders, such as Crohn’s disease and diabetes. The legislation is expected to move to the Senate for further consideration.

Additionally, the House will take up the final version of the bi-partisan 21st Century Cures Act, later this month. “This patient-centered bill will enhance the abilities of the medical community to fight diseases, and get those who are ill the best possible care,” said Reed. “America has led the way in medical innovation for decades, and it’s time to make sure that our medical researchers have access to resources to develop cures for illnesses which have plagued our loved ones.”

The 21st Century Cures bill modernizes the healthcare oversight systems in the United States, enhances medical research and streamlines efforts to develop cures for the 10,000 known diseases without standard treatment options.

“We can come together and advance these types of medical improvements for families everywhere,” Reed concluded. 

What is the purpose of these bills? Do they do more than create red tape?

I believe these bills are relatively trivial when compared to proposals to privatize Medicare or to repeal the central purpose of Obamacare which is to hold medical cost increases down. What do others think?




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A Plan for Gun Violence Prevention | New NY 23rd

The article by Cath Kestler, an OFA (Organizing For Action) activist and resident of Silver Creek, has also been published in the Dunkirk Observer.


‘My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage.’    —President Barack Obama

Our country has suffered too many tragedies at the hands of dangerous people who use guns to commit terrible acts of violence.

On average, more than 30,000 Americans die in a gun-related death each year, many of them suicides.  In the last decade, more than four million Americans have been victims of an assault, robbery, or other crime involving a gun—more than 20,000 of them are children under the age of 18 killed by firearms.

Though most gun owners use their guns legally and responsibly, there is more we can do to better protect our children and communities—we need to prevent tragedies like those in Virginia Tech, Newtown, Aurora, Charleston, Tucson, Oak Creek, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Roseburg, Oregon and Orlando.

Nine out of ten Americans support expanding background checks.  It’s the right thing to do.  But Congress has repeatedly and shamefully failed to stand up to special interests, who want to maintain the status quo—that’s why we’re taking the fight to the state and local levels where Americans can raise their voices at home and in their communities.

Our own representative in Congress has recently been the recipient of $11,000 from the NRA.  He’s been very vocal regarding keeping things as the status quo in DC regarding gun reform.

Our solution to this epidemic cannot be to do nothing.  Even if we can’t prevent every tragedy, we have to do more to keep guns out of the wrong hands.  Recently the Supreme Court backed us by taking the first step in refusing to let anyone convicted of domestic violence the chance of owning a gun.

When an extreme minority in the Senate stopped the passage in 2013 bipartisan, common-sense measure to expand background checks and better protect our communities and families, OFA supporters refused to back down.  We know that local organizing can change a community and that can change a state.  And, state by state, we can bring that change to the country.

There is more we can do to prevent gun violence and we’re going to keep doing our part.  Right now, you can join the chorus of OFA supporters asking Congress to commit to #DoSomething today.

We gathered 1.4 million signatures after a minority in the Senate stopped passage of a bill to expand background checks.  OFA supporters canvassed the neighborhoods talking to Americans and together we demanded action and hand-delivered those petitions to Congress.

Background checks save lives.  But today, too many dangerous individuals are still able to get their hands on a gun.  Expanding these checks is a common-sense measure supported by nine out of 10 Americans—including an overwhelmingly majority of gun owners—and would make our families and communities safer.

Federal and state lawmakers should act now to close the loopholes and pass measures to strengthen the background check system.

Two weeks ago I was on Capitol Hill as a part of OFA knocking on doors of the Senate trying to convince the sitting Republicans to stand up against the NRA and to do what their constituents sent them there to do.  I came across a great deal of characters and got to witness the filibuster.  I passed on to them that the time for prayers and holding the victims in their thoughts was overdone and it was time to #DoTheirJob.  Democratic Senators came forth and delivered words from family members of victims, statistics and they spoke from their hearts.  Much unlike, Ted Cruz when he filibustered the Senate into the early morning by reading ‘Green Eggs and Ham’, before the government shutdown, costing the taxpayers $64 billion dollars.

When Rep. John Lewis and a group of Democrats decided a stronger message was needed to be voiced to Speaker Ryan and the House when they refused to bring a gun reform bill to the floor for a vote; they decided that a 25 hour “sit in” style work stoppage was what spoke the loudest—it feel on deaf ears.  Speaker Ryan ran to the press and quickly labeled it a “publicity stunt”, he should know, when he was running as Mitt Romney’s VP in 2012, he showed up at a food pantry, donned an apron and washed CLEAN pots and pans for the cameras.  When he was done—his apron was still clean and he didn’t even break a sweat—now that, was a “publicity stunt”.

As the head of OFA in Chautauqua County I will be calling on you to stand up together and show that we can make calls and send emails to voice our opinions that we are expecting a CLEAN GUN REFORM BILL from the Congress.  Sensible gun laws can save lives.


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GOP’s (& Rep Reed’s) opposition to Obama’s Actions to Reduce Gun Violence | New NY 23rd

On January 5 our President announced his Presidential Actions to reduce Gun Violence. Early that morning, before Obama detailed his Actions, NPR Radio Station WBFO from Buffalo posted Rep.Reed’s comments condemning them.  The WBFO article includes an audio clip of  Reed’s comments interspersed with summarizing comments.

The usual complaints from those who are against the President using his executive powers are 1) he is by-passing Congress and creating new gun legislation  2) we should be enforcing the laws we now have and 3) his actions would not have change the outcome the latest massacre. Rep. Reed, in his comments on the President’s action, added the NRA’s talking point: America needs to make Mental Health a priority.

1) President Obama is not by-passing congress and is not creating new legislation

I understand that members of congress feel slighted when the President uses his legal executive powers, but if leaders should use all of the tools they have. Even though President Obama has been accuse of over using his executive powers, the data shows that is not the case.

Congress refuses to take action on Background Checks.

We need to remember that in April, 2013, the Senate had the opportunity to vote on Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Pat Toomey’s (R-PA) bipartisan proposal to expand background checks to include purchasers who buy their weapons on the internet or at gun shows. A majority of Senators, 54, voted for the proposal, but it needed to have 60 to override the filibuster.  The article about the vote from The Hill states:

Democrats felt confident the compromise could pass once Toomey, a Republican with an A rating from the National Rifle Association, signed on. They were caught off guard by the vigorous lobbying campaign waged by the NRA, which warned lawmakers that Manchin-Toomey would be a factor in its congressional scorecard.

What appeared to be a likely victory for the president was resoundingly defeated by the Senate as jittery Democrats facing tough reelections next year joined nearly the entire Republican conference.

It is not surprising that the Republican House leadership decided not to have the representatives vote on background checks. They understood that most republicans would have to vote against them to stay in the NRA’s good graces. Doing so would harm their chances to win in November since most Americans support expanding background checks.

A Quinnipiac University poll from December, 2015 found that 89% supports a law requiring background checks on people buying at gun shows or online!

  • By political party: 87% of Republicans, 95% Democrats and 86% Independents support a background check law
  • By gender: 84% Men, 94% Women support it
  • Geographically speaking Urban–89%, Suburban–91% and Rural–88% support it
  • Finally, 84% of people who live in a household with guns support the background check law

A look at the President’s executive actions show that he is NOT writing new legislation. He is strengthening our current laws

The President’s actions:

  • ensure that all businesses that sell guns for a profit (from a brick and mortar building, at a gun show, or over the internet) must be licensed and conduct background checks. (What is confusing about this “action” is that some states, including New York, require background checks for gun shows and internet purchases. Since all states do not, a person in another state which has not pass a background check can purchase a weapon on-line or at a gun show.)
  • requires background checks for people trying to buy assault military weapons through a trust or a corporation. In other words, trying to hide their identity.
  • ensure States provide background check records to the federal background system (NICS)
  • ensure gun dealers inform local police about gun theft or losing a gun
  • develop new technology to provide safer guns; technology has made cars safer, and there is ways to make guns safer, for example a chip could be inserted in a weapon that would make it inoperable if it is a certain distance away from the owner, who is wearing a wrist band
  • dedicate resources to increase health care for mentally ill

Change happens slowly. Look how long it has taken to make cars as safe as they are today. Guns are aimed to be next.

2) Why aren’t we enforcing the laws we already have on the books?

The reason is that Congress controls funding.

The  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms oversees the National Instant Criminal Background Checks System (NICS). The table of ATF agents and budgets indicates a six percent drop in ATF employees from 2010 to 2014–the latest data available. The President’s proposal includes funds for 200 more agents to enforce our present laws. The increase “will reduce the strain on the NICS system and improve its ability to identify dangerous people who are prohibited from buying a gun before the transfer of a firearm is complete.” We will have to see if Rep. Reed will approve those needed funds.

3) These actions would not have change the outcome the latest massacre.

The Pesident realizes that these actions are not going to end gun violence. His remarks  after signing the Executive Actions on January 5 explains his thinking::

Each time this comes up, we are fed the excuse that common-sense reforms like background checks might not have stopped the last massacre, or the one before that, or the one before that, so why bother trying.  I reject that thinking.  (Applause.)  We know we can’t stop every act of violence, every act of evil in the world.  But maybe we could try to stop one act of evil, one act of violence.

As Ronald Reagan once said, if mandatory background checks could save more lives, “it would be well worth making it the law of the land.”  The bill before Congress three years ago met that test.  Unfortunately, too many senators failed theirs.  (Applause.)

In fact, we know that background checks make a difference.  After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety courses, gun deaths decreased by 40 percent — 40 percent.  (Applause.)  Meanwhile, since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to almost 50 percent higher than the national average.  One study found, unsurprisingly, that criminals in Missouri now have easier access to guns.

And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks, law-abiding Americans don’t find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever.  Their guns have not been confiscated.  Their rights have not been infringed.

4 ) Rep. Reed’s concern: America needs to make Mental Health a priority.

Rep. Tom Reed had a series of Town Hall meetings the day after the 2012 Newtown Connecticut massacre. By the time he started at 8 AM in Corning, he had the massacre all boiled down to a two word talking point: Mental Illness. That was less than 24 hours after the shots rang out in Connecticut. The NRA communicates well with certain Congress members. They can pulled the strings and their puppets dance.

(Added after this article was posted) There is a danger to blame the mentally ill for the gun violence in America. The article “Myth vs. Fact: Violence and Mental Health”  looks at how much of a factor mental illness is in mass shootings.

The New NY 23rd has researched and published many articles Congressional Action on Mental Health. To review these articles follow this link. Basically Rep. Dr. Tim Murphy, in December 2013, introduced “Family Health Care Accessibility Act of 2013” (HR 3717), legislation that seeks to make the most sweeping change in the system in more than two decades. It was never voted on; it died in Republican controlled committees.

Murphy revised the Family Health Care Accessibility Act and reintroduced it on June 4, 2015, this time as HR 2646. With the increase of gun violence, the House members, including Rep. Reed, are now saying positive things about this bill. It has been referred to seven different committees and even with 177 co-sponsors it will not be voted on in the near future. Please realize that this bill would be expensive to implement. It does not make profits for corporations; it provides services for the mentally ill and their families.

Besides the action on Dr. Murphy’s proposed bill, many other mental health bills died in committees. The House has voted against funding the mental health services in the Affordable Care Act sixty-eight times.

The conclusions are clear: Americans are supportive of President Obama’s Executive Actions on Gun Violence. Gun owners support his Executive Actions. Americans support expanded background checks. The Senate, as mentioned above, had a majority members supported the  Manchin-Toomey bipartisan proposal to expand background checks. It was expected to reach the required 60 votes until the NRA scared Senators by waving attack-ad money around. The House GOP is clearly controlled by the NRA Puppet Masters.

Voting Americans can show their support of common sense changes to the present laws in next November’s election.

This entry was posted in 2016, Congress, Constitution, Economics, Gun Violence, Health Care, Reed’s Views, Terrorism, Town Hall Meeting and tagged background checks, Enforcing our present laws, Mental health, NRA, Obama’s Gun Violence Executive Actions. Bookmark the permalink.

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On Guns | New NY 23rd

  • Universal background checks – no loopholes
  • Eliminate assault rifles
  • Reverse the Dickey Amendment 
  • Domestic violence conviction or court order – we must eliminate firearms 

I served in the military for most of my adult life, so I understand the power and responsibility that accompanies owning and operating a firearm.

I also understand the important role that gun ownership plays in the many communities across this district. In Congress, I will continue to support the right of Americans to responsibly purchase and own certain firearms for the purpose of hunting and protecting their families.

However, we must take strong federal action to curb the epidemic of gun violence that has swept our country.

I support closing the gun show and online sale loopholes around the country that allow people to purchase guns without having to show a license. In addition, I will continue to support a ban on automatic weapons and bump stocks to prevent the type of mass carnage that has become a somber reality for our nation.

Max will be a forceful advocate for gun reform and believes his military background will help bridge opposing sides to finally pass gun reform legislation.

Guns not listed as a priority.

Tracy Mitrano

I come from a family of hunters and I will protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. At the same time, gun violence is an epidemic in this country and we cannot ignore the ongoing mass shootings in our schools and communities. Research has shown that the number one reason for mass murders in our country is the easy availability of large numbers of guns. There are practical and common sense actions that can and must be taken to ensure those seeking to commit violent acts do not have easy access to guns.

Eddie Sundquist

As a hunter, I understand gun ownership is an incredible tradition in areas like the Southern Tier, and a majority of gun owners practice responsible gun ownership. But, we need to do a better job to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people.

There is a lot of concern about creating a National Firearms Database, but I’m exploring areas to implement a universal background system without the need for such a database to exist.






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What we never used to see on cable TV | New NY 23rd

“I have publicly stated my opposition to and outrage at Charter’s conduct on numerous occasions. I applaud Mayor de Blasio for boycotting the network and encourage other officials to do the same. Consumers must be made aware of the abuses of Charter Spectrum, which the network has conspicuously failed to report on any of its broadcasts. Consumer pressure will affect Charter’s bottom line, which is obviously their only concern.” — Gov. Cuomo

  • Display stuck
  • Voice and video out of sync
  • “Loading”
  • “No internet”
  • “Service not available, try again later.”

Was it legitimate for Spectrum News to promote Gov. Cuomo’s rivals? Does Spectrum not invest in improved service because of Gov. Cuomo’s complaints?


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