Reed’s Views | New NY 23rd

They met some big wheels, and do not    Let you forget it. — Auden I went to Tom Reed’s April 21st Corning farewell meeting and found it interesting. There were about 30 people there mostly family, staff, and government … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political, Reed’s Views, Uncategorized, War Tagged Farewell meeting, Ukraine

Today, April 7th; the House voted to add $60 billion to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The vote was 217 to 199; Tom Reed was one of only six Republicans to vote in favor; Rep. Tenney was not. Reed said many … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Constituents, Constitution, Political, Reed’s Views Tagged 2022, H.R 4568, H.R. 3708, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Tom Reed, Restaurant Revitalization

Now, more than ever, support for the Second Amendment is crucial. While I support targeted efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, I stand strongly against efforts by gun-grabbers to strip law-abiding Americans of their constitutional rights. … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Gun Violence, Political, Reed’s Views Tagged 2022, guns, Rep. Reed, Rep. Stefanik, Rep. Tenney, SAFE Act, States’ rights

As gas prices across the district soar to $4 a gallon and more, it proves yet again how completely asinine it is that we have cut off our domestic natural gas and oil supplies. Instead of bowing to the environmental … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Environmental, Homeland Security, Hydrofracking/Gas& Oil Industry, Political, Reed’s Views Tagged 2022, inflation, Mother Nature, National Security

“We need to emerge out of this weakness that we now find ourselves in America because we are divided politically, we are $30 trillion in national debt, (and) the military forces in China and others are growing exponentially while ours … Continue reading

Posted in Reed’s Views Tagged China, Gregory Bacon, Observer Today, Russia, Ukraine, unity

Press Release March 9, 2022  Washington, DC – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) today released the following statement in response to the passage of an omnibus government funding bill for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). Tenney voted for the defense and security portions … Continue reading

Posted in Defense, Political, Reed’s Views Tagged Claudia Tenney, Omnibus Continuing Resolution

 “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.“ Tom Reed in 2013: Reed sang the praises of natural gas and hydrofracking last February (2013) when he became co-chairman of this (Natural Gas Caucus) caucus when he said: “Our country has been blessed … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Environmental, fracking, Hydrofracking/Gas& Oil Industry, Political, Reed’s Views, Uncategorized Tagged Claudia Tenney, Gas Industry donations, Marcellus Shale, Natural gas, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Utica shale

It is delightful to see two powerful women behind the President for a State of the Union Address, I suspect for the first time in our history. Thankfully the President’s agenda didn’t pass, because even members of his own party … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political, President, Reed’s Views Tagged Claudia Tenney, Gov. Kim Reynolds, State of the Union, Tom Reed

Rep. Tom Reed strongly favors the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill” which is now law and not the proposed “Build Back Better Act, which he describes as “reckless spending.” This may confuse people for two reasons: Both are associated with investment in … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Legislation, Political, Reed’s Views, Uncategorized Tagged Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Build Back Better, infrastructure, Tom Reed

Washington needs to work for the American people and that is why I have been consistent in my support for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. This bill is 10 years in the making and it will be beneficial for our area … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Reed’s Views Tagged Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, H.R. 3684

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