NY-23 | New NY 23rd

S.2038 – STOCK Act 112th Congress CRS Summary (Excerpts, read the whole thing here.) Public Law No: 112-105 (04/04/2012) Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 or STOCK Act – (Sec. 3) Requires the congressional ethics committees to issue interpretive guidance … Continue reading

Posted in Political, Congress, Ethics Tagged NY-23, Rep. Langworthy, The STOCK Act, H.R. 1138, Insider trading

In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged H.R. 1, H.R. 5, NY-23, Rep. Langworthy, Rep. Molinaro, Sen. Kirsten Gilliibrand, Speaker McCarthy

The impact of the Farm Wage Board’s decision cannot be understated. — Rep. Langworthy, facebook Feb. 23, 2023 Nicholas would tell us what to think. The issue is fair wages for farm workers, but one might not know that after … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Agriculture, Chicken Little, Farm Workers, Fighting words, NY-23, Overtime, Rep. Langworthy

I will always fight to protect the American Dream and ensure that government helps, not hurts our job-creators.–Rep. Langworthy, facebook 02/13/23 The Defund the Police movement is alive and well in New York. I will always fight to restore law … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged bills, Lakes Before Turbines Act, NY-23, Rep. Langworthy

 A Member . . . [or an] officer, or employee of the House [paid at or above the “senior staff” rate], may not –(d)  serve for compensation as an officer or member of the board of an association, corporation, or other entity; —House Rule … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Environmental, Ethics, Legislation, Political Tagged Joe Sempolinski, Nick Langworthy, NY-23, Tom Reed

I think some of the people against him (McCarthy) are really looking for perfection when right now we need to really come together to solve the problems that our country faces.–Rep. Claudia Tenney Now we move on to legislation: things … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged 2023, NY-23, Rep. Higgens, Rep. Langworthy, Rep. Tenney

NY-23 Party Affiliation for the Nov. Election Democrats Republicans Unaffiliated Total 165 201 120 530 31% 38% 23% Registered voters (1000s)

Posted in Political Tagged 2022, Democrats in the NY-23, Erie County, NY-23, Republicans in the NY-23

When we try to curb the surges of unchanging human nature, or to quench a conflagration with an act of legislature … we are every bit as foolish as I’ll prove to any jury, as those enterprising beavers when they … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Drugs, Economics, Farm Bill, fracking, Gun Violence, Health Care, Immigration, Political, pro-life/pro-choice, Social Security Tagged 2022, Max Della Pia, Nick Langworthy, NY-23

Max writes: Here’s what I stand for: Here’s an overview of the issues I will prioritize as a representative: Safety net: A struggling family could find themselves homeless quickly & without fault. There needs to be a viable safety net. … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Congress, Political Tagged Abortion, democracy, Equal Rights, General Election, Healthcare, Issues, Max Della Pia, Nick Langworthy, NY-23

We need leaders who will fight for all of us. Max has spent a lifetime putting service above self, and he won’t stop in Washington, but he needs our help to get him there. Will you help?–Max Della Pia Congressional candidate Max … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Congress, Political Tagged Max Della Pia, Nick Langworthy, NY-23, The Park Church

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