Rep. Langworthy | New NY 23rd

If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat.– MarkTwain

Posted in Campaigning, Congress, Political Tagged firefighters, Mark Twain, Rep. Langworthy, Rep. Molinaro, Rep. Tenney, Rep. Williams

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law … shall not be questioned.–Fourteenth Amendment The Fiscal Responsibility Act is a historic deal for American taxpayers that will get our country back on the path to … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Political, Uncategorized Tagged debt, Default, President Biden, Rep. Langworthy, Robert Reich

The medium is the message.–Marshall McLuhan Politicians embrace facebook because it is an effective means of mass communication, a one-way street from their propaganda mills into our minds. Posted on facebook: In only two days, a smoke screen of divisive … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Congress, Media, Political Tagged facebook, Marshall McLuhan, Rep. Langworthy

Certainly labor, number one concern, every employer, every sector of the economy that I’ve talked to. Keeping workers is hard. There are perhaps people that don’t really want to work, and I’m sorry, but we can’t be all things all … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Political Tagged Rep. Langworthy, Work

S.2038 – STOCK Act 112th Congress CRS Summary (Excerpts, read the whole thing here.) Public Law No: 112-105 (04/04/2012) Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 or STOCK Act – (Sec. 3) Requires the congressional ethics committees to issue interpretive guidance … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Ethics, Political Tagged H.R. 1138, Insider trading, NY-23, Rep. Langworthy, The STOCK Act

Interested parties talk air travel safety The Pilot’s union likes the current rules, the employer’s association doesn’t. Our representatives chime in. It is unlikely that any party is primarily concerned with safety. Regional Airline Association We need to look at … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Air Travel Safety, Airline Pilots Association, Flight 3407, Regional Airline Association, Regulations, Rep. Higgins, Rep. Langworthy

In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged H.R. 1, H.R. 5, NY-23, Rep. Langworthy, Rep. Molinaro, Sen. Kirsten Gilliibrand, Speaker McCarthy

The indignation of politicians is not a good measure of the gravity of any situation. — Paul Harvey Should everyone running for President be unaccountable for crimes or just one particular person? Indignation Rep. Nick Langworthy (NY-23) Outrageous. The deep … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Trump Tagged Alvin Bragg, Indictment, Indignation, Paul Harvey, Rep. Langworthy, Rep. Stefanik, Rep. Tenney, Stormy Daniels

There is a bright future ahead for Corning Community College’s Computer Numerical Control Programming students. The future is tech and these programs are fostering growth in a rapidly growing field. — Rep. Langworthy, facebook 3/20/23 “The future is tech” is … Continue reading

Posted in Education Tagged Corning Community College, David E. Nobel, Kurt Vonnegut, Manufacturing, Numerical control, Player Piano, Rep. Langworthy

Anyone who makes alarmist claims about debt by talking about trillions of dollars as opposed to, say, percentages of gross domestic product, is engaged in scare tactics, not serious discussion.–Paul Krugman, “The future of taxes” “We have to get spending … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Taxes Tagged balanced budget, National debt, Paul Krugman, Rep. Langworthy, Scare tactics

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