Special Election Aug. 23rd | New NY 23rd

I will never apologize for American values. There is no America without our values, and I will always fight to uphold them.–Joe Sempolinski, facebook, Aug. 2nd. I will never stop fighting to represent the conservative principles and stand for the … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Constitution, Joe Sempolinski, NY-23, Special Election Aug. 23rd, values

NY-23 Special Election, Aug 23, 2003. The Democratic Party candidate is Max Della Pia. The Republican Party candidate is Joe Sempolinski. Max is also running in the November General Election, Joe is not. Joe’s view from his website: Joe is … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Gun Violence, Political Tagged guns, Joe Sempolinski, Max Della Pia, NY-23, Second Amendment, Special Election Aug. 23rd

I will stand for our constitutional, conservative values and stop the left from forcing their radical agenda on the people of America.–Joe Sempolinski, July 21, facebook Joe Sempolinski, the Republican Candidate for Congress in the NY-23rd special election, claims to … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Constitution, Political Tagged Conservative, Joe Sempolinski, NY-23, Special Election Aug. 23rd

NY-23 Special Election, Aug 23, 2003. The Democratic Party candidate is Max Della Pia. The Republican Party candidate is Joe Sempolinski. Max is also running in the November General Election, Joe is not. Joe’s view from his website: Joe is … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Health Care, Political Tagged Joe Sempolinski, Max Della Pia, NY-23, Special Election Aug. 23rd

NY-23 Special Election, Aug 23, 2003. The Democratic Party candidate is Max Della Pia. The Republican Party candidate is Joe Sempolinski. Max is also running in the November General Election, Joe is not. ~~~ Max’s issues (from his website): Equal … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political, Uncategorized Tagged Joe Sempolinski, Max Della Pia, NY-23, Special Election Aug. 23rd

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