Rep. Claudia Tenney | New NY 23rd

As a longtime small business owner, I understand that family businesses and farms are the lifeblood of our Upstate economy.–Rep. Tenney The bills: S. 1617 — “To modify the requirements for the Administrator of the Small Business Administration relating to declaring … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Political, Uncategorized Tagged Rep. Claudia Tenney, Small Business

Bills introduced by Rep. Tenney since June 2022. All will die at the end of the year. 1. H.Res.1436 — 117th Congress (2021-2022)Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that New York State’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act is unconstitutional.Sponsor:Tenney, Claudia [Rep.-R-NY-22] (Introduced … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged 2022, bills, Rep. Claudia Tenney, vote

Senate Minority Leader McConnell “The substance of this bill is common sense,” said Mr. McConnell, a member of the Rules Committee, about the legislation negotiated in recent months by a bipartisan group led by Senators Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, … Continue reading

Posted in Political, Congress Tagged Election Law, Elections, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Joe Sempolinski, Election reform, Senator McConnell

Colonel Vindman once believed an American could tell the truth without being punished. We showed him he was wrong about that. On Sept. 15, the House voted on two bills to protect and defend The Constitution. Rep. Tenney voted against … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Census, Rep. Claudia Tenney, The Constitution, whistleblower

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. — FDR Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY-22) tells New Yorkers what to think spreading fear with insinuations. Here are some examples from September 2022: Lowering the farm worker OT threshold will hurt farmers, … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Uncategorized Tagged politics of fear, Rep. Claudia Tenney

There is something so deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you refuse to resolve. — Miroslav Volf,  Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture May 24 “We are absolutely devastated … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged 2022, firearm violence, Miroslav Volf, Rep. Claudia Tenney

Rep. Tenney responds to mass murder with a fundraising message. She writes: According to the president, the MAGA crowd is the most extreme group in history. More extreme than Nazis. Worse than the KKK, even! Those groups (MAGA, Nazis, KKK) … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Gun Violence, Political, Uncategorized Tagged 2022, Rep. Claudia Tenney

The Rest of the Story was a radio program hosted by Paul Harvey. Paul Harvey understood that the rest of the story is often vital to understanding the news. Journalists I. F. Stone and Molly Ivens also often reported the rest … Continue reading

Posted in Campaigning, Congress, Political, Veterans Tagged H.R. 7637, I. F. Stone, Molly Ivens, Paul Harvey, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Tom Reed, The rest of the story, Veterans First Act

On April 28,2022, Heather Cox Richardson discussed  “two right-wing, antidemocratic ideologies.” About the first she wrote: One is pushed by Texas governor Greg Abbott, who is embracing a traditional American states’ rights approach to attack the active federal government that … Continue reading

Posted in Impeachment, Political Tagged Heather Cox Richardson, Insurrection, Public Health, Regulations, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Tom Reed

Caucus — A conference of members of a legislative body who belong to a particular party or faction. In the 117th Congress, there are 381 caucuses, one conference (Hispanic Conference), six task forces, six working groups, and one team (Values … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Caucuses, Congressional Member Organizations, Rep. Brian Fitzgerald, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Rep. Elise Stefanik, Rep. Tom Reed

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