Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

Reed’s support of Trump should give voters pause | New NY 23rd

The following is an Op-Ed written by Jim Carr, the chair of the Chemung County Democratic Committee. Mr. Carr submitted the article to the New NY23rd for publication. Donald Trump and tea party Rep. Tom Reed are a dangerous combination … Continue reading

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Does everyone need health insurance? | New NY 23rd

Rep. Tom Reed, R-NY-23, said he anticipated the (CBO) score. He said, logically, legislation to repeal a law that mandates health insurance would be expected to, at least initially, decrease the amount of people covered.–Ryan Whalen, Spectrum News Does everyone … Continue reading

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Needed laws and amendments | New NY 23rd

We have seen what needs to be fixed; this is the time to do it. Make clear that a president may not pardon him or herself. Perhaps limit the power to pardon a former president to an elected president. Make … Continue reading

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Reed’s Views | New NY 23rd

They met some big wheels, and do not    Let you forget it. — Auden I went to Tom Reed’s April 21st Corning farewell meeting and found it interesting. There were about 30 people there mostly family, staff, and government … Continue reading

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Political Theater | New NY 23rd

This bill (H.R.1) will simplify our tax code, help working families, and jumpstart job creation –Rep. Tom Reed Taxes–2012 Taxes–2017 Here’s another from 2017 This entry was posted in 2018, Taxes. Bookmark the permalink.

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NY23rd’s Jobs and Unemployment Data | New NY 23rd

“We must fight for good-paying, high-quality jobs across our region. The manufacturing sector provides these kinds of jobs. A strong manufacturing base is critical to economic growth. This is why I am proud to be a Co-Chair of the bipartisan … Continue reading

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Dave Brat’s Ten Principles | New NY 23rd

Facilitate a budget that balances within 10 years and seek to enforce it through the authorizing and appropriations process. Encourage committees to advance market-driven health care reforms to replace Obamacare. Support policies that secure the border and enable interior enforcement … Continue reading

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Us and Them: Not a Good (Out)look | New NY 23rd

This article was submitted by Lee Marcus, author of “Hearts Afire: The Story of Moonwhistle School” and a frequent contributor to this blog. Congressperson Tom Reed lives in an Us and Them world. He’s got his voter base; everybody else is … Continue reading

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Non disclosure | New NY 23rd

Public employees can’t be gagged by private agreements. These so-called NDAs are unconstitutional and unenforceable.—ACLU Reportedly President DJT has required staff members to sign non disclosure agreements. Why would he do this? Perhaps he is worried that former staff members … Continue reading

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Will the GOP block Overtime Reform? | New NY 23rd

 Cath Kestler, resident of Silver Creek and lifelong Democrat, shares her bi-weekly Dunkirk Observer Today column. The moral argument for overtime reform is straightforward:  When Americans work extra hours, they should earn the extra dollars.  But the economic case is … Continue reading

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