Does everyone need health insurance? | New NY 23rd

Rep. Tom Reed, R-NY-23, said he anticipated the (CBO) score. He said, logically, legislation to repeal a law that mandates health insurance would be expected to, at least initially, decrease the amount of people covered.–Ryan Whalen, Spectrum News

Does everyone need health insurance? Tom Reed says no–they may not want it, may not afford it, or may think they don’t need it. So what to do if the kids are sick? Take them to a federally qualified health center like  The Chautauqua Center in Dunkirk where subsidized care is available. If the Federal subsidy isn’t enough, New York State must pay, but not with property taxes, no way. New York will have to find the money somehow, and if that embarrasses NY Governor Cuomo, so much the better.

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