Reed’s support of Trump should give voters pause | New NY 23rd

The following is an Op-Ed written by Jim Carr, the chair of the Chemung County Democratic Committee. Mr. Carr submitted the article to the New NY23rd for publication.

Donald Trump and tea party Rep. Tom Reed are a dangerous combination for our district – and for America.

Let’s be clear. Reed has hitched his wagon to the Trump campaign. Reed is Trump’s chosen New York cheerleader and rather than standing up to his hate-filled rhetoric and bigotry, Reed is eagerly embracing it. Shame on him. He doesn’t represent my middle-class values because of his hate-filled rhetoric, and because he takes money from and caters to monied special interests.

Trump even went so far as to suggest his supporters could assassinate Hillary Clinton or the judges she might appoint if she is elected. Reed is complacent in the hate and fearmongering spewed by Trump and his surrogates. Words matter, and Reed’s early endorsement of Trump speaks volumes.

I agree with Rep. Richard Hanna, a Republican from New York who is supporting Clinton for president. Hanna wrote, “I found him profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader.” Hanna characterized Trump as a “flawed” candidate, who is ill-informed on the issues. Yet Reed supports Trump for president of our great nation.

This election is very important. We must restore sanity to Congress, and bring real leadership to our district. That’s one reason why I am voting on Nov. 8 for Clinton for president and John Plumb for Congress.

For a printable PDF copy of Mr. Carr’s article click here.

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