Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

Rep. Chris Jacobs pushes back | New NY 23rd

“As I have read more and learned more about it, it’s clear that this (replacement theory) is just a vile and disgusting conspiracy theory rooted in racism and antisemitism. In my mind, it has no place in this country.”— Rep. … Continue reading

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Tom Reed’s 2020 Financial Disclosure | New NY 23rd

Reports are due May 15 of the following year. The House has 30 days more to post them. It isn’t clear why Tom waits till the last minute. Tom requested a 90 day extension in 2019 and 2020; it isn’t … Continue reading

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NPR interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo | New NY 23rd

All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly interviews Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about U.S. policy in Iran and about the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

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John Stossel on Tariffs | New NY 23rd

We’d all be richer if the ideal NAFTA reform would happen: elimination of tariffs — no government involvement in trade at all.–John Stossel I don’t often agree with John Stossel, but on tariffs he had me saying yes until his … Continue reading

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Politics is hard | New NY 23rd

Trump on Being President: “I Thought It Would Be Easier”–New York Times “The man’s tongue is fit to frighten the French.”-―Robert Louis Stevenson Politics is hard and hard to understand; here are some things to consider: Election to office makes … Continue reading

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Health Care | New NY 23rd

Isabelle Leyva and Simon McCormack, authors of an article for The New York Civil Liberties Union, ask “Does adding more police deliver results?” They write: In our shows, movies, and novels, they are our heroes in blue. To elected officials, they … Continue reading

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Supreme Court | New NY 23rd

The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of … Continue reading

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What Tom Reed won’t discuss | New NY 23rd

Don’t think like an elephant.–George Lakoff Tom Reed has announced a town hall at the American Legion Hall on Ithaca Rd. in Horseheads on Monday November 20 from 6-7 PM. After corporate tax cuts, “the workers have more disposable income, … Continue reading

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Rep. Tenney responds to mass murder with a fundraising message | New NY 23rd

Rep. Tenney responds to mass murder with a fundraising message. She writes: According to the president, the MAGA crowd is the most extreme group in history. More extreme than Nazis. Worse than the KKK, even! Those groups (MAGA, Nazis, KKK) … Continue reading

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Chris Hughes | New NY 23rd

Chris Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg’s one-time Harvard roommate, facebook co-founder, and multi-millionaire, suggests addressing income inequality with a $6,000 annual subsidy for workers making less than $50,000 annually. He would pay for this with income taxes on the wealthy. It is … Continue reading

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