Marc Cenedella on jobs, the economy, conservative values | New NY 23rd

Marc Cenedella

Marc Cenedella plans to run for Congress in NY-23 where he lives.

I’m a political outsider who has worked for decades to help Americans improve their lives, their incomes, and their careers. I’ve seen firsthand the power that good jobs have for making families stronger and more successful, and the damage that’s done when the government undermines the efforts of hard working people, notes Marc. What he thinks the government has done to undermine the efforts of hardworking people or what people struggling with poverty would do without government support, Marc doesn’t say.

Here is more of what Marc says for himself.

Marc is a political outsider who has worked for more than two decades helping people find good jobs and advance their careers.  He knows that good jobs help people get ahead, provide for their families, and accomplish work that they can be proud of. In Washington, Marc will fight to keep more of your paycheck (sic) and bring better job opportunities to Western New York.

The best economy and employment rates that America has ever seen were under President Donald Trump.  Marc wants to stop liberals and big government from getting in the way of the economic engine of the United States. In Washington, he’ll work to restore the Trump economy.

Marc was raised on the conservative values of Western New York, and now he’s raising his own family the same.  He is running for Congress to fight for strong, conservative policies like limited government, less spending, and lower taxes. The government should not undermine the efforts of hardworking Americans.

Mark hasn’t explained how conservative policies like limited government, less spending, and lower taxes would bring better job opportunities to Western New York. This must be a matter of faith in laissez-faire. Nor has he explained why being a “political outsider” might be a good thing.

Marc might hope to run as a Republican, a Conservative or an independent in the special election, a primary election if there is one, or both, as well as in the general election. It would be good for all if there were a Republican primary, which would give Republican voters a chance to choose their candidate for the first time in more than a decade.

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