How Much Would You Pay To Defeat Rep. Reed? | New NY 23rd

There are inherited problems with Primary Elections. One is that people don’t want to donate to a candidate who might not be the party’s nominee. We won’t know who will be the NY23rd’s Democratic Congressional Candidate until after the June 26 Democratic Primary. That creates a major problem. The Democratic Candidate will need funds. Calling donors takes time and he or she also has to campaign.

Let’s look at some facts:

  • Nate Shinagawa (2012) was able to raise $800,000 in 10 months (with a 3 candidate primary thrown in)
  • Martha Robertson (2014) raised $2.3 million in 18 months
  • John Plumb (2016) brought in $1.6 million in 15 months
  • There are 19 weeks from the Primary to the General Election
  • As of September 30, 2017 Rep. Reed has received  $1,385,746 for the 2018 campaign. Only $107,901 (25.5%) of those funds came from the NY23rd!

The GOOD NEWS is that we can help replace Tom Reed.

Grassroots Volunteers for a Reed-Free 23, a group of concern activitists from the Jamestown area, have set up an Act Blue fund to raise money to be placed in an escrow account. The money in the account will go directly to who wins the June 26 Democratic Primary.

The following letter, from the Grassroots Volunteers for a Reed-Free 23, explains our needs and the process of donating through Act Blue.  (Follow this link for a pdf copy of the letter below Reed-Free 23 letter which can be emailed to friends or placed on social media).

Note, the links in the copy of the letter are not live. You can reach the information about the candidates by clicking here and go to the Act Blue site by clicking here.


  • There were 39 donors when article this was posted (8:10 pm Friday, January 19, 2018).
  • There were 87 donors donating $3,740 ($42.99/donor)at 8:10 pm on Monday, January 22, 2018. 
  • There were 109 donors donating $4,543 ($41.68/donor)  at 9:10 pm on Wednesday, January 24, 2018.
  • There were 129 donors donating $5,268 ($40.84/donor) at 6:35 pm on Saturday, January 27, 2018.
  • There were 155 donors donating $6,244 ($40.28/donor) at 2:55 pm on Wednesday   January 31, 2018.
  • There were 165 donors donating $6,605 ($40.03/donor) at 8:01 pm on Friday, February 2, 2018.

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