The State of the District: NY-23 | New NY 23rd

We recently hosted a town hall in Chemung with Nucor employees on the positive impact of tax reform. Already we are starting to see the positive impact of tax reform. More than 200 companies have announced bonuses and wage increases. The meeting at Nucor highlighted how tax reform will positively impact the manufacturing industry and create jobs in NY-23.

My RAMI bill has also led to the creation of uncounted, hi-tech, high-paying jobs in Western NY. Sadly, Albany’s tax and spend policies, favored by Gov. Cuomo and his fellow Democrats, extremists like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, impede even more prosperity in NY-23.

A little more than one year after President Trump took office, the U.S. economy continues to soar to new heights. During the past week, American workers, businesses, and families have read news reports with headlines that show the American economy is back: more jobs, more opportunity, more growth.

A majority of Americans agree with President Trump on immigration. The problem solvers caucus, which I lead, has proposed a practical bi-partisan compromise which could lead to legislation in spite of opposition from radical extremists on the left and right. Problem solvers agree that any bill, which preserves Obama-era protections for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, should be accompanied by funding for a wall, an end to chain migration, and termination of the diversity visa lottery program.

Last week the American people rejected the government shutdown; they know full well that catering to extremism is no way to run a country. Children’s health care, our military and countless other services Americans depend on cannot be held hostage so extremists can make a point.

Fortunately, America is open for business again in many ways. After I voted to reopen the government Monday evening, I spent the rest of the week traveling the district listening and gathering input from people on how we can improve government.

President Trump’s leadership has put American foreign policy on a bold and promising new course–Put America First— calling for a great reawakening of nations, for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism. Officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is an important step to peaceful resolution a lingering regional conflict.

Make sure to follow our social media channels and check our website for more details on the events we attend. As always, please stay in touch and share your thoughts by contacting any of our offices.

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