Lee Zeldin for Governor — Part II | New NY 23rd

Defending Your Freedoms

“Finally, Kathy Hochul has succumbed to the pressure of millions of parents, teachers and New Yorkers fighting to unmask our kids. Unfortunately, for too many New York children, the damage of extensive, over the top COVID restrictions has already been done. They can never get back the years and months kids were masked up, the time spent stuck in remote learning, and the significant life events that were canceled, but, finally, moving forward, our children will be able to see the smiles of their teachers and classmates once again.”

Fighting for our Kids

Same as above. Aside from disparaging masks, Zeldin said nothing about education.

Masks have saved many lives including children’s lives. A person willing to put political posturing before public health is not a responsible candidate for any public office. It doesn’t even seem like effective politics: by this fall, hopefully masks will be a dead issue.

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