Problem Solvers Caucus | New NY 23rd

It’s unlikely that this situation will be resolved with something resembling the deal that ended the debt ceiling crisis of 2011. Democrats have gotten somewhat tougher: They believe that President Barack Obama gave in to blackmail, and they won’t do it … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Economics, Political Tagged debt ceiling, Paul Krugman, Problem Solvers Caucus, Sheldon Jacobson

A three party system might work well with a major party at the center. A moderate, centrist party might be the largest of three. It could often pass needed legislation without pandering to left or right. If moderate bills lacked … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political Tagged Problem Solvers Caucus, three party system, two party system

We’re working hard to get immediate relief to the American people during this Coronavirus outbreak…–Rep. Tom Reed   The Problem Solvers Caucus’ proposed recommendations include:  Economic Response for Businesses, Employees and the Self-Employed Immediate, Direct Financial Payments to Individuals: Limited only to … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Health Care, Reed’s Views Tagged covid-19, pandemic, Problem Solvers Caucus, virus

An article by Jason Jordan in the Wellsville Daily Reporter posted on Jan. 17 discusses infrastructure, specifically a proposal of the Problem Solvers Caucus backed by Rep. Tom Reed. Jordan writes: “What we wanted to do as a group was to say … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, Political, Reed’s Views, Town Hall Meeting Tagged infrastructure, Jason Jordan, Problem Solvers Caucus, Wellsville Daily Reporter

The Problem Solvers Caucus claims: (First) Our plan would stabilize markets by making the cost-sharing payments mandatory and thereby prevent rates from rising sharply. Second, we provide a relief valve to help states deal with the high cost of pre-existing … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care, Reed’s Views, Trump Tagged Problem Solvers Caucus

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