Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

Do No Harm Act | New NY 23rd

As a Baptist minister and longtime participant in the interfaith movement, I know firsthand the importance of faith in many people’s personal lives, as well as the role religion can play in the civic life of communities across the country. … Continue reading

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Vivek Ramaswamy | New NY 23rd

If by woke you mean kind, truthful, and inclusive, it is very good idea.–WRH Vivek is a candidate for President. This is from Vivek’s 2024 campaign website: Meet Vivek Vivek is an American business leader and New York Times bestselling author of “Woke, … Continue reading

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Marshall McLuhan | New NY 23rd

The medium is the message.–Marshall McLuhan Politicians embrace facebook because it is an effective means of mass communication, a one-way street from their propaganda mills into our minds. Posted on facebook: In only two days, a smoke screen of divisive … Continue reading

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Senator Durbin | New NY 23rd

The judges, both of the supreme and lesser Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, … –Article III, Section 1 of The Constitution. Congress “indisputably has the power under the Constitution” to “enact laws prescribing the ethical standards applicable … Continue reading

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Problem Solvers Caucus | New NY 23rd

It’s unlikely that this situation will be resolved with something resembling the deal that ended the debt ceiling crisis of 2011. Democrats have gotten somewhat tougher: They believe that President Barack Obama gave in to blackmail, and they won’t do it … Continue reading

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Battery technology | New NY 23rd

Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says “it can’t be done. — Eleanor Roosevelt, 1960 Agnes Chang and Keith Bradsher, in a May 16, 2023 article in The New York Times, discuss battery technology. They write: Despite billions in … Continue reading

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National debt | New NY 23rd

Anyone who makes alarmist claims about debt by talking about trillions of dollars as opposed to, say, percentages of gross domestic product, is engaged in scare tactics, not serious discussion.–Paul Krugman, “The future of taxes” “We have to get spending … Continue reading

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Insider trading | New NY 23rd

S.2038 – STOCK Act 112th Congress CRS Summary (Excerpts, read the whole thing here.) Public Law No: 112-105 (04/04/2012) Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 or STOCK Act – (Sec. 3) Requires the congressional ethics committees to issue interpretive guidance … Continue reading

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