Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

Senator James Shields (1806-1879) | New NY 23rd

James Shields served as US Senator from Illinois from March 5, 1849 to March 15, 1849 (sic) and again from October 27, 1849 to March 3, 1855. His first election was invalid: he had not been a U.S. citizen for the nine years required … Continue reading

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Elizabeth Kolbert on Hyperpartisanship | New NY 23rd

Elizabeth Kolbert, in an article titled “How Politics got so Polarized”, which appeared in the Jan. 3 issue of “The New Yorker,” discusses hyperpartisanship. She notes that only about a quarter of new posts on facebook by Democrats are viewed … Continue reading

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Can the President do what he likes? | New NY 23rd

Can the President do what he likes? Pretty much, I think. The President is expected to faithfully execute the laws, but the President can veto bills, take exception with signing statements, or direct subordinates to ignore laws. The courts might … Continue reading

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Nikki Haley | New NY 23rd

America needs to be more like Iowa. That’s my main takeaway after spending time this week holding town halls across the state – my first visit since declaring my candidacy for President earlier this month. Iowa is strong and proud, … Continue reading

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Safe Air Travel | New NY 23rd

The Pilot’s union likes the current rules, the employer’s association doesn’t. Our representatives chime in. It is unlikely that any party is primarily concerned with safety. Regional Airline Association We need to look at the training that happens at the … Continue reading

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Hoover Inst. | New NY 23rd

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law … shall not be questioned.–Fourteenth Amendment In an opinion article in The New York Times, Michael W. McConnell, a senior fellow at the right-leaning Hoover Institution, argues … Continue reading

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Treasure Island | New NY 23rd

Seventeenth century pirate crews were nominally democratic much like today’s House. They had norms and rules. The Captain held office at the pleasure of the crew. As in Treasure Island, the Captain could be given “the black spot,” a demand … Continue reading

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H.R. 1138 | New NY 23rd

S.2038 – STOCK Act 112th Congress CRS Summary (Excerpts, read the whole thing here.) Public Law No: 112-105 (04/04/2012) Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 or STOCK Act – (Sec. 3) Requires the congressional ethics committees to issue interpretive guidance … Continue reading

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Ron DeSantis | New NY 23rd

The tired dogmas of the past are inadequate for a vibrant future — we must look forward, not backwards.–Ron DeSantis Tired dogmas? Ron DeSantis is a candidate for President. He explains his views on his web page. Our country is going … Continue reading

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Republican Main Street Caucus | New NY 23rd

We’re conservatives who understand that America has given us an opportunity to govern, and that’s an obligation that we can’t squander. Our leadership is, on average, more conservative than the House Republican Conference as a whole.–Caucus Chair Dusty Johnson (R-SD) … Continue reading

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