Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

Reed tries to justify anti-Veteran Votes | New NY 23rd

The New NY 23rd has shown examples where Rep. Tom Reed actions in our district does not match his voting record in Washington. Most recently (August 28) it was pointed out in “A look at Rep. Reed’s Proposed Bills” which summarized … Continue reading

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Proposals on the November 7 Ballot | New NY 23rd

We will vote on November 7  to help decide who will be on our County Legislatures and Town Boards. We will elect  Town Clerks, Town Justices, and Highway Supervisors and other public officers. After you vote on the front of … Continue reading

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Rep. Tenney makes sly innuendoes | New NY 23rd

An innuendo is a hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature. — Wikipedia In Rep. Tenney’s Sept. 3 Newsletter, we read: Last year, due to overreaching government policies in Albany and … Continue reading

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What it’s not about | New NY 23rd

Whistle blower and other concerned officials. Giuliani, whatever he might have done. Jared or Ivanka, although they may have played a role. Unnamed officials who may have acted to protect DJT from himself. National Security, although it may have been … Continue reading

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Postal Service | New NY 23rd

Joseph Raymond McCarthy was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Wikipedia McCarthy was a bomb-thrower—and, in a sense, that is all he was. He would … Continue reading

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Tom Reed on impeachment — sequel | New NY 23rd

“I get frustrated where there is a sense of normalization that the congressman brings and that our concerns about Trump and the things that are happening are, its not that big of a deal, and you’re fine, stop worrying about … Continue reading

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House Rules Revisited | New NY 23rd

According to the NPR article cited, Democrats propose the following changes to House Rules: Democrats will revive the “Gephardt Rule,” introduced in the late 1970s by Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., that automatically raises the debt ceiling — the nation’s borrowing … Continue reading

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More Mickey Mouse legislation | New NY 23rd

Tom Reed writes: Tom Reed continued his effort to rein in big government regulations by supporting a new proposal which prevents the federal bureaucracy from enacting last minute regulations at the end of any Presidential administration. “We care about helping … Continue reading

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Gun Violence | New NY 23rd

When we try to curb the surges of unchanging human nature, or to quench a conflagration with an act of legislature … we are every bit as foolish as I’ll prove to any jury, as those enterprising beavers when they … Continue reading

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NY 23rd’s role in flipping the House and Senate | New NY 23rd

The main motivating issue that caused the Never Trump Campaign to develop was the fear that the GOP will lose their control of the Senate and the House. If you remember, the House turned Republican in the 2010 non-presidential election. The Senate switched from … Continue reading

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