Tom Reed on impeachment — sequel | New NY 23rd

“I get frustrated where there is a sense of normalization that the congressman brings and that our concerns about Trump and the things that are happening are, its not that big of a deal, and you’re fine, stop worrying about it. I find that very unsatisfying and sometimes disingenuous when we bring up concerns that we have. He kind of just pats us on the head and off you go,” says Amie Acton, resident of Alfred Station, N.Y.

Ashley Cafaro reports for WENY: “Congressman Tom Reed held a town hall style meeting Monday night in Corning, and things got a little heated. ”

As usual, Tom Reed promotes his views, dismisses relevant facts, and mocks his constituents.

With respect to Ashley Cafaro’s report:

1, “Smoking gun” isn’t in The Constitution. 2, “Never previously done” doesn’t mean not currently justified. 3. Impeachment, rather than waiting for the next election, is the constitutional remedy for a rogue President.

4. Impeachment is favored by half the country, not only a “small group of legislators.”

The Trump Administration scrambled to justify Trump’s actions, which they feared were illegal, after the fact. Similarly, Tom Reed struggles to justify Trump’s misfeasance, which he long ago made up his mind to excuse no matter what.

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