Reed tries to justify anti-Veteran Votes | New NY 23rd

The New NY 23rd has shown examples where Rep. Tom Reed actions in our district does not match his voting record in Washington.

  • Most recently (August 28) it was pointed out in “A look at Rep. Reed’s Proposed Bills” which summarized his votes that cuts funding for services that are important to NY23rd-ers, and lists his proposed, but never enacted, bills that are suppose to benefit his constituents.
  • We spotlighted his non-funding of Homeland Security vote in early August.
  • Another August article about Reed voting against AMTRAK  funding and trying to take credit for a NY 23rd Train Manufacture getting federal funding that would hire 400 workers.
  • In January we posted “Rep. Reed’s Changing Stance on Refugees“in which it was explained that he told a Phelps Town Hall audience that ““I’m not going to say to one population we’re going to close all the  borders to you.” and then five days later hi voted to do just that.

The list could go on.

On Friday, September 16 the Canandaigua Daily  Messenger had an article about John Plumb accusing Reed of “repeatedly voted to underfund programs designed to improve veterans’ treatment and health care.” Plumb sites examples to back up his claims:

  • an April 2015 vote for a VA appropriations bill that would underfund the VA and impact veterans’ health care, medical research, education, and cemeteries by more than $1 billion
  • also in  April 2015 Reed voted against a motion that would have added $15 million to VA funding for veterans’ medical services. The motion failed 181 to 236, with Reed among those voting no
  • a June 20, 2014 measure, Plumb accused Reed of voting against a motion to increase funds for military healthcare by $10 million, $5 million to decrease the veterans’ claims backlog, and another $5 million for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder

What surprised me was that Reed’s campaign did not refute the specific accusations, but tried to justify them by saying that Reed had “daily contact with Veterans” and points to his VA Clinics and the work that his Constituent Services provides to Veterans.

When Reed is actually in the district (which increases right around election time) he often reminds us that “He Cares” about us. When Reed is inside the DC Beltway his votes shows that he cares about the GOP Leaders, and follows their voting orders.  John Plumb points that out, and  Reed’s campaign confirms it. It seems to be part of Reed’s regular method of operations.

The Voters should remember that on November 8.

Follow this link for an earlier article about Rep. Reed’s earlier Veteran Votes

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