Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

What Rep. John Lewis actually said | New NY 23rd

“I continue to say it to people today and I’m going to continue to say it during the next few days as we celebrate and commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. That when you see something that is … Continue reading

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Trump & the Budget | New NY 23rd

On January 13, 2017 the House of Representatives  set the parameters for the 2018 fiscal year budget, which runs from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. Paul Ryan’s House determined that the government’s revenue will be $2,787,834,000,000. They authorized the … Continue reading

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 Letter from Birmingham Jail, August 1963 | New NY 23rd

Contributed by Arthur Ahrens of Branchport, NY. In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, here is an excerpt from his Letter from Birmingham Jail, August 1963: “I MUST make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, … Continue reading

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Health Insurance | New NY 23rd

Liberals rage against the Trump-Ryan plan for a lot of reasons, but most of it boils down to anger that fewer people will have coverage. Conservatives are raging too, because, as Kentucky Senator Paul put it, Congress’s proposal will “do … Continue reading

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Reed and Plumb on jobs | New NY 23rd

In Washington, I am known as the “Solar Republican” because I am pushing clean energy policies forward through tax policies that allow alternative and renewable energies to blossom. My all-of-the-above approach will lower energy costs, increase development investments, create jobs, … Continue reading

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Voter Opinions | New NY 23rd

Contributed by Arthur Ahrens of Branchport, NY. KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE The UVA (University of Virginia) Center for Politics/Project Home Fire survey/data analytics project asked Joe Biden and Donald Trump voters their opinions on the events of Jan. 6. Overall, … Continue reading

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Rep. Reed’s Contact Information | New NY 23rd

Rep Tom Reed Please note that the links to thr maps to Rep. Reed’s offices are not presently working. This will be corrected soon. Web site Official Governmental Facebook Page Campaign Facebook Page Washington Office 1504 Longworth HOB Washington, DC … Continue reading

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Understanding Korea | New NY 23rd

P’yŏngyang The American people don’t mistake the absence of a final agreement for the absence of progress. We made progress; we must be patient. We made historic advances; we will not turn back.–Ronald Reagan Bruce Cumings is an American historian … Continue reading

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The Constitution | New NY 23rd

The judges, both of the supreme and lesser Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, … –Article III, Section 1 of The Constitution. Congress “indisputably has the power under the Constitution” to “enact laws prescribing the ethical standards applicable … Continue reading

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Firearm Legislation | New NY 23rd

Carl Hulse, writing in last Sunday’s New York Times, discusses firearm legislation. His account starts in 1994 when the subject arose. About the 1994 assault weapons ban, Hulse writes: With Congress prepared to again clash over gun safety, in the … Continue reading

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