Trump & the Budget | New NY 23rd

On January 13, 2017 the House of Representatives  set the parameters for the 2018 fiscal year budget, which runs from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. Paul Ryan’s House determined that the government’s revenue will be $2,787,834,000,000. They authorized the government to spend $3,329,394,000,000. Yes, we will be spending more than we receive. I seem to remember that the Rep. Reed was quick to raise a ruckus when President Obama’s budgets did not balance.

Now the House will decide how to raise $2.787 trillion and how to spend $3.329 trillion.

How we spend our money shows us what we value. President Trump has released his proposed budget. The chart below shows us what the President values. We should not be surprised. Defense and Veterans Affairs are receiving increased funding. He is cutting a trillion dollars from Food Stamps and Medicaid, this will drastically affect the NY 23rd, as well as other districts across the nation.

Trump is adding $1.6 billion to start building his promised Wall. That is a  smaller amount than what he has earlier suggested.

But don’t worry, the House members, who have heard from their constituents about their AHCA fiasco, will want to make their budget their budget. Also, one would think that reviving their Health Care proposal and getting their tax reform in order would be priorities . They are key components in reaching our $2.787 trillion revenue goal.

Oh, yes, this needs to be done, and approved by the Senate before October 1.

Related articles:

Ex-OMB Director–Trump’s Budget is good for a 1.9 per cent growth, rather than 3 percent.

Trump’s first budget: Trillions in cuts

New York Times:

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