Andrew McCarthy: Our founders knew our First Amendment right to freedom of speech could not be protected without our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is non-negotiable. Period. I won’t budge on the Left’s communist agenda to leave our families and communities defenseless and reliant on government protection. I oppose efforts to create a national gun registry and any other anti-gun legislation aimed at disarming the populace.
Rich Moon: Rich Moon is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. He will work to protect you and your family’s right to bear arms and defend against tyranny. The left wants to take away our guns and control our lives. It’s time for leaders who stand up to protect all of our freedoms before it’s too late.
Joe Sempolinski: Joe is pro-2nd amendment. Joe is a SCOPE and NRA member and a gun owner. The right to bear arms is a fundamental, individual, human and Constitutional right. Joe supports interstate reciprocity for gun permits. At the state level, the NY SAFE ACT should never have become law.
I can’t recall a time when guns were needed to protect free speech; I can’t foresee a time when guns would be used to protect against tyranny; I can think of no reason that the NYS Safe Act should not have become law.
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