Daily Archives: June 9, 2023

The State of the Union | New NY 23rd

Doomsday clock closer to midnight. Looming Constitutional crisis–President suspected of obstructing justice, said to have fits of rage. Congress dysfunctional. President attacking our free press. Unconcern over climate change. Unnecessary deficit spending. Frequent instance of mass murder in churches, schools, … Continue reading

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Saving Social Security | New NY 23rd

I have many good friends who are retired and many good friends who receive Social Security disability benefits. I am concerned that my good friends might lose their benefits because Social Security is nearly broke, flat, busted, bankrupt. That is … Continue reading

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Economics | New NY 23rd

Western New York and the Southern Tier have my unwavering commitment that I will continue to fight for fiscal sanity and government accountability in our nation’s capital.–Rep. Langworthy The president and his negotiators believe they worked out a deal that … Continue reading

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Indivisible NY23rd | New NY 23rd

The New York Times had an “OP-ED” on January 2 about the “Indivisible“, a guide to direct grassroots groups to create a resistance for the Trump/GOP agenda. Rachel Maddow followed with a segment on her MSNBC program on two days … Continue reading

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Tom Reed on impeachment | New NY 23rd

Impeachment is taking up … the airwaves and taking up the oxygen in the room. As I have publicly stated, and I’ll state here again, I do not support the impeachment process. I do not support the inquiry.–Rep. Tom Reed … Continue reading

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Questions about that leaked hacking document | New NY 23rd

The leak story raises questions. Here are some: Are there no barriers to a government contractor searching for a classified document, printing it, and taking it home? Do contractors with clearance not know that printed documents can be traced? Why … Continue reading

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Is Tom Reed compassionate? | New NY 23rd

I feel compassion for DREAMers who face uncertain futures due to choices not their own. We in Congress should take this opportunity to reform our legal immigration system, not only to find a permanent solution to the plight of these … Continue reading

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Reed represented Trump at Economic Equality event | New NY 23rd

Deb Meeker’s recent article asked What does a Presidential campaign co-chair do? One thing Rep. Tom Reed has done for Candidate Trump was to speak at a Mississippi Delta Grassroots Caucus and Economic Equality Coalition event, explaining his support for Trump. This was May 11. … Continue reading

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Syria | New NY 23rd

If Tom Reed was right to oppose intervention in Syria in 2013, no intervention is needed in 2019 under much different circumstances. If U.S. troops should not have been sent to Syria, their precipitous withdrawal by Trump is justified. President … Continue reading

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H.R. 6800 HEROS Act | New NY 23rd

H.R. 6800 Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act or the HEROES Act CRS Summary: This bill responds to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak and its impact on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, … Continue reading

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