Daily Archives: June 9, 2023

Veterans | New NY 23rd

The Rest of the Story was a radio program hosted by Paul Harvey. Paul Harvey understood that the rest of the story is often vital to understanding the news. Journalists I. F. Stone and Molly Ivens also often reported the rest … Continue reading

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We need a representative who doesn’t try to turn us against each other. | New NY 23rd

This article was submitted by a Southern Tier Patriot . I write this to you as a former Republican who believes that the politics of our communities are more about involvement than division. What we need in Congress now is … Continue reading

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Self-Serving Interests | New NY 23rd

This article was written and submitter by Cath Kestler, activist and resident of Silver Creek, NY (#ReedsLastTerm) “A great victory for the American people. We are finally on the path to fixing our broke and broken health care system.  The … Continue reading

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What he didn’t say | New NY 23rd

H.R.4155 Sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable. I’m proud to support this legislation tomorrow.–Tom Reed The legislation requires members of Congress and staff to complete mandatory anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training during each session of Congress. Reed said he believes there … Continue reading

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Republicans summarize their tax bill | New NY 23rd

Lowers tax rate for all Americans. Doubles the child tax credit. Delivers greater simplicity and fairness. Helps grow paychecks. Protects American workers and stops jobs moving overseas. Keeps tax benefits Americans count on. Encourages and rewards charitable giving. Helps small … Continue reading

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Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act | New NY 23rd

Tom Reed seldom explains his votes. On Tuesday, June 14, the House considered H.R. 5053, Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act. Under current law, the IRS requires certain tax exempt organizations to file a form which details all donors … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico | New NY 23rd

We should view the crises in Greece and Puerto Rico as canaries in the coal mine. Countries around the world are over promising and financing obligations with borrowing. You can’t live on credit forever. People are beginning to question why … Continue reading

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Regulations are the problem per President Trump | New NY 23rd

Congressman Tom Reed today voted in favor of H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, which prevents the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas under the Clean Air Act. –April 7, 2011 Citing the 41,662 pages added … Continue reading

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Primary Numbers | New NY 23rd

This year’s Primary Elections have uniquely aroused political passions from all over the electorate spectrum. The political story of the year is how Donald Trump came from nowhere to get crowds to his rallies and the voters to the polls. By listening to the … Continue reading

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Reed defends GOP Tax Plan | New NY 23rd

Rep. Tom Reed was part of WXXI (Public Radio from Rochester) “Connections with Evan Dawson” on Tuesday, November 14 “Discussing GOPs New Tax Plan” program. With him were Michael Kink, Executive Director of the Strong Economy for All Coalition and Dr. … Continue reading

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