What he didn’t say | New NY 23rd


Sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable. I’m proud to support this legislation tomorrow.–Tom Reed

The legislation requires members of Congress and staff to complete mandatory anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training during each session of Congress.

Reed said he believes there has been a shift in the culture when it comes to sexual harassment. He said he wants to stand “on the side of victims” and wants to make sure “their voices are heard.”–reported by Katrina Fuller, Post-Journal

But what Tom Reed didn’t say:

  • He didn’t say those with complaints should be protected from retaliation.
  • He didn’t say the Treasury shouldn’t pay for settlements.
  • He didn’t say he opposed non-disclosure agreements.
  • He didn’t say ethics complaints should be made public.

H.R.4155 (CRS Summary): “Congressional Sexual Harassment Training Act”

This bill amends the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to require each employing office under the Act to ensure that its covered employees enroll in the Office of Compliance’s program of education that informs employees of the rights provided under the Act against sexual harassment: (1) within 60 days after first becoming an employee; (2) for existing employees, within 90 days after enactment of this bill; and (3) every two years.

Reed joins the choir with too little too late.

One thing is clear–members of Congress sleeping in their offices is wrong.



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