Daily Archives: June 9, 2023

Introducing Bill Batrowny, Candidate for 124th Assembly Seat | New NY 23rd

The following is a Press Release from the Bill Batrowny Campaign. Bill is running for the NY Assembly against incumbent Chris Friend in the 124th Assembly District (Chemung, Tioga and western part of Broome Counties). Bill Batrowny, candidate for State … Continue reading

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The trouble with large numbers | New NY 23rd

With our budget vote I am standing with the 99 percent who will see a tax break with a compromise on the state and local tax deduction. The hardworking people I’m standing with deserve more money in their paychecks and … Continue reading

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Watergate revisited | New NY 23rd

Yes, ‘n’ how many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn’t see?–Bob Dylan If Nixon goes free, I don’t think anyone should be found guilty of anything.–Statement of a prospective juror circa 1974. The … Continue reading

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Abdulah Bul Bul Ameer | New NY 23rd

If you wanted a man to encourage the van, Or harass the foe from the rear, Or to storm a redoubt, you had but to shout For Abdulah Bul Bul Ameer. If you need a man like the mythical Abdulah, … Continue reading

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Science is not for Denial, it’s here to Embrace | New NY 23rd

The article was written by Cath Kestler, activist and resident of Silver Creek, NY The Science March held on Earth Day provided us with an actual picture of the participating masses filled with an untiring enthusiasm in unity for the … Continue reading

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H.R. 860, Social Security 2100 Act | New NY 23rd

All major Social Security reforms were the product of Democrats and Republicans joining together to improve this landmark program.–Rep. Tom Reed (email, 9/21/19) Social Security is based on non-partisan compromise; it is a very conservative retirement insurance program. Compromise was … Continue reading

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Rep. Capuano on today’s votes on trade | New NY 23rd

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) The trade bills this week were considered under a Rule that prohibited any amendments.  Unlike the Senate, which at least had the opportunity to improve and amend the bill put forward, the House was not allowed … Continue reading

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Facebook comments by Tom Reed’s supporters | New NY 23rd

Some believe this. The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.– Will Rogers Defending the Indefensible Tom’s October 24th facebook posts dealt with taxation. Most comments were hostile to Tom’s post, … Continue reading

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Medicare dominated Town Hall Meeting | New NY 23rd

An overflow crowd of more than 30 filled the small Board Room at Rep. Tom Reed’s Town Hall Meting in Barrington (Yates) Saturday. Most were non-republicans. For many this was their first Town Hall experience. Medicare dominated the discussion. The uncertainty … Continue reading

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Rep. Reed is Willing to Sell Guns to No-Fly Terrorist Watch List Members | New NY 23rd

The article is a Press Release from “John Plumb for Congress”. First, Tom Reed voted to defund the Department of Homeland Security. Then, Tom Reed disparaged a veteran in the district. Now, Tom Reed is “against banning gun sales to people on … Continue reading

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