Abdulah Bul Bul Ameer | New NY 23rd

If you wanted a man to encourage the van,
Or harass the foe from the rear,
Or to storm a redoubt, you had but to shout
For Abdulah Bul Bul Ameer.

If you need a man like the mythical Abdulah, you might shout for Jared Kushner, currently senior adviser to US President Donald Trump. Reportedly, Kushner is supposed to be able to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict in the morning and reorganize the Federal Government to run efficiently in the afternoon. He can do it if anyone can.

Yet there are some things that trouble even Jared Kushner, for example:

  • Filling out a security form accurately is a challenge. Kushner has yet to be approved for a permanent security clearance.
  • Kushner has trouble remembering what he did about important matters when questioned.

Kushner reportedly is a quick study, walking into government meetings, possibly contributing a brief remark, then slipping out when bored. It is astonishing that a person with so many grave responsibilities would have difficulty remembering.


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