Daily Archives: June 9, 2023


Citing specific examples from Playboy, Vogue, and Cosmopolitan magazines, Professor Key explains the ways in which the media uses sex and violence to manipulate human action. — Google Books Given his obvious incompetence, why do so many of us approve … Continue reading

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Dunkirk Power Plant

We care about the hardworking men and women of Chautauqua County. Unfortunately, the end result of today’s announcement will be a shuttered NRG power plant. This win for environmental extremists will leave us with a weakened economy and higher taxes. … Continue reading

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Term Limits for Congress

He went of to Congress and served a spellFixin’ up the government and laws as well.Took over Washington, I heard tell, And patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell. The Ballad of Davy Crockett, words by Thomas Blackburn Term … Continue reading

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Trump, Cruz, Reed, TPP & Fast Tracking

Donald Trump held a rally in Rochester on Sunday, April 10. I watched the broadcast. His tone was classic Trump and the crowd was a bit less rowdy than some. The content  was not much different than others rallies, but I took note … Continue reading

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Rep. Capuano on this weeks work in the Capitol.

Rep. Capuano (D-MA) writes: Insurance Industry Regulation On Wednesday (Dec 7, 2016) the House considered H.R. 5143, the Transparent Insurance Standards Act of 2016. This legislation, like last week’s Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act of 2016 is yet another attempt … Continue reading

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Gray Panthers revisited

Susan J. Douglas, writing in The New York Times, reminds us of the Gray Panthers of the 1970s. The leader was Maggie Kuhn. Infuriated by being forced out of her job at 65 (and even more irked that her parting … Continue reading

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NYS GOP Primary–Procedures and Politics

On April 19 we will have the  opportunity to have our voices effect the Presidential races in the New York State Federal Primary.  In an October article, NYS Presidential Primary Info, the NewNY23rd predicted: “By the time our primaries are held, there … Continue reading

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The Party of Panaceas

What they’re really interested in is chaos.… They want to throw sand in the gears of the hated federal government until it fails and they’ve finally proved that it’s beyond saving.” And they are tied tightly to right-wing media: “Every … Continue reading

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Ways and Means Propaganda

Pro-growth tax reform will establish the U.S. as a 21st century magnet for new business investment and job creation. Tax reform will increase U.S. competitiveness and prevent American jobs from moving overseas. Pro-growth tax reform will provide a healthier economy … Continue reading

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First Step Act

The Trump Administration reports: “It’s the Right Time to Pass Criminal Justice Reform” “With President Trump leading the way, the push is on to get serious criminal justice reform done by Christmas. Resisters on the left and right would be … Continue reading

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