Parsing Reed’s writing part 2 | New NY 23rd

In the friendly rivalry of college life, Hooray! And we have to figure a helluva lot, To tell what we have done, With the coin we blew at dear ole’ Michigan!–college song

College costs and student debt are out of control, and crippling an entire generation of Americans. Working-class students are being taken advantage of and it is time that universities start addressing their out of control tuition increases. As the youngest of 12 raised by a single mom after my father passed away, I experienced firsthand the burden of debt that can come with getting a degree. That’s why I am committed to tackling the unfair costs of college for working-class students and care deeply about ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to reach their full potential.–Rep Tom Reed, facebook campaign page, May 23

  • College costs and student debt are out of control, and crippling an entire generation of Americans.
  • Working-class students are being taken advantage of.
  • … it is time that universities start addressing their out of control tuition increases.
  • As the youngest of 12 raised by a single mom after my father passed away, I experienced firsthand the burden of debt that can come with getting a degree.
  • That’s why I am committed to tackling the unfair costs of college for working-class students.
  • (I) care deeply about ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

A good education will likely be expensive, but cost to students and their families can be reduced with scholarships and low interest loans. A good education may well be worth the cost and effort. Tom seems to have benefited at least economically from his education and sent his daughter to college.

How are working class students disadvantaged, one wonders? Is it because working class jobs don’t pay enough? Does Tom advocate low-cost education for all? He isn’t ready to fund it. He will do nothing to raise wages.

Tuition increases track costs and government funding; how are they “out of control?” Does Tom advocate “cut rate” education?

Tom milked his low interest government loan for years.

Tom’s tackling involves only bad mouthing and attacking universities with large endowments. He seems offended that some university administrators and presidents might earn more than a member of Congress.

Tom’s tears do nothing to help low income students reach their full potential.


TV is studded with ads for low cost insurance these days. The cost of insurance to the buyer must reflect the cost of benefits paid by the insurer. Unless we are to believe that some insurers accept a low profit margin, low cost insurance must be linked to low or limited benefits. “There is no free lunch.

Note this:

Congressman Reed reportedly introduced (or more likely plans to introduce) legislation requiring Colleges to report suicide deaths of their students even when it doesn’t happen on the campus.  Would a law requiring colleges to collect data on students who kill themselves have a public purpose? Could this data be collected without invasion of privacy? Is this another tentacle of Reed’s antipathy toward higher education? It would add to the administrative burden imposed on colleges. Tom Reed generally opposes government regulation except when it is his idea.

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