NY-23 Democratic Candidate Poll | New NY 23rd

A group of engaged and concerned Citizens of the NY-23rd Congressional District has created a poll about the seven democratic candidates trying to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the November election. The poll is not associated with any particular candidate.

When you follow the link at the bottom of this article you see statements the candidates have provided for this poll. There will also be  links to each candidate’s campaign website. I have also provided links to handouts each candidate provided at the Issue-Focused Forum held in Geneva on January 23.

You are asked to rank the top three candidates you feel will be the strongest candidates to represent our district.  The results of the poll will be given to each candidate, and will be made public. This information should help people decide who to support in the Democratic Primary election on June 26. The poll ends at 11:59 pm on Thursday, February  8. Feel free to pass information to others.

Links to the Candidates’s Hand Outs from the Issue-Focused Forum:

Don’t forget that you have opportunities to help the ultimate candidate by donating to the  Act Blue–Reed Free 23! The funds collected will be placed in an escrow account which will be given directly to the winner of the June 26 primary.

You can also donate to  the “Your NY-23 PAC” which will promote information about Rep. Reed’s voting record during the campaign. Follow this link to more information about this project.

Follow this link to get to the poll.  Remember it closes at 11:59 on Thursday Night, February 8!

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