Infrastructure | New NY 23rd

Our Greatest Threat is our National Debt.–Rep. Tom Reed

This fake proposal  (Trump’s) will not address the serious infrastructure needs facing this country, so our potholed roads will get worse, our bridges and transit systems will become more dangerous, and our tolls will become higher. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR)

Rep. Tom Reed/Problem Solvers President Trump Reference
We must fulfill our duty
to provide stable, long-term funding … while also encouraging innovative financing …
generate $1.5 trillion (actually, Federal funding would be cut and no new money appropriated) Problem Solvers/The Hill
Congress must also cut red tape and stop gridlock when it prevents projects from moving forward in as expedient a manner as possible … streamline the permitting process down to two years
We need a national commitment to ensure that every American can connect to the internet, and that commitment needs to be on the

same order as our country’s commitment to rural electrification in the 1930s.

invest in rural infrastructure projects
advance workforce training.
  • Local matching funds could come from sales or property taxes or user fees.–Bart Jansen, USA Today
  • Lawmakers seem more interested in rural broadband than potholes.
  • Surprisingly, the Problem Solvers hint at support for increasing the tax on gasoline (called gas user fee), long opposed by Rep. Tom Reed.
  • Interestingly, Rural Electrification was often done by Rural Electric Cooperatives, part of “The New Deal,” disparaged by some as socialism.

Click to access psc_infrastructure_report.pdf

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