What are you doing on Earth Day? | New NY 23rd

March 28, 2017-Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump signed a sweeping executive order Tuesday at the Environmental Protection Agency, which officials said looks to curb the federal government’s enforcement of climate regulations by putting American jobs above addressing climate change. (to finish the article– click here.)

What are you doing on Earth Day, Saturday April 22?

You may want to consider joining the Washington DC’s  March for Science and Earth Day Network Rally and March is Saturday, April 22 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on the National Mall to “defend the vital public service role science plays in our communities and our world.” Speeches, musical performances, trainings with scientists and a march will be part of the event. Details at marchforscience.com.

If you don’t want to travel to the Big March, try one that’s closer to home:

Rochester—Marchers will gather at Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Park at Manhattan Square at 9:30AM on April 22nd.At 10:30AM, we will begin marching towards the Hyatt Regency.Upon arriving at the Hyatt, you are cordially invited to attend the first Rochester Science Expo. https://www.rocmarchforscience.org/about-us Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ROCMarchForSci/

Syracuse, Saturday April 22—10 -Noon March for Science – CNY is a Satellite March in solidarity with the March for Science in Washington DC and around the country. Hosted by New Feminists for Justice. https://www.facebook.com/events/206376733176216/

For those on the western portion of the NY 23rd, Buffalo (1:00 – 3:30) might be the spot for you to celebrate. The Buffalo March for Science will begin at Soldier’s Circle. We will march on Lincoln Parkway to Delaware Park where a rally and Science Festival will be held. Please contact us if you or your organization would like to have a table / exhibition at the festival. Go to Facebook page for latest updates and a map/directions.The Buffalo March for Science will begin at Soldier’s Circle. We will march on Lincoln Parkway to Delaware Park where a rally and Science Festival will be held. Please contact us if you or your organization would like to have a table / exhibition at the festival.

Other sites for information-You Caring-March for Science Buffalo and Bonfire–Buffalo March for Science.

You can extent your Earth Day experience by joining Ithaca’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 29  Sustainable Tompkins will be hosting this year’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 29 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Please mark your calendar and be sure to join us! This year we are excited to be holding our Earth Day event in conjunction with the national March for Climate, Jobs and Justice with the People’s Climate Movement in Washington DC. The day’s events will kick off with an open space event at 10 a.m. followed by a rally at 11:30 at the Bernie Milton Pavilion on the Commons.  We’ll hear music by Colleen Kattau and Burns & Kristy and speakers on “Policy Matters” to rally for our sister People’s Climate March down to the Space @ Greenstar. There, we will be greeted by speakers focused on “Action Matters,” more music, exhibitors working on local sustainability solutions, food vendors, workshops, and our annual Signs of Sustainability Awards. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1875610586053668/

If you are not in the district on Earth Day, there might be an event near you. Check out this map of the Earth Day Marches around the world!

Also, I found this list of other Marches in Washington, DC thru June 1st (as of now).

Please add any other Earth Day Celebrations in/near the NY23rd in the comments.

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