Reed on Trump | New NY 23rd

… let’s not come to a predetermined conclusion that the president is somehow engaged in this (collusion with Russia) nefarious activity…”–Tom Reed

With “predetermined,” Tom suggests that people are jumping to conclusions. That is hardly the case–we have Trump’s own words as evidence of nefarious activity. Nefarious suggests criminal; it can also mean corrupt, evil, malicious and wicked. With “somehow” Tom suggests uncertainty. There is nothing uncertain about Trump’s stubborn faith in Michael Flynn or his oval office meeting with Russian diplomats.

On MSNBC, Reed mentioned the Trump administration’s involvement with Russia “during the election.” The investigation should focus on the Trump administration’s involvement with Russia before, during, and after the election.

Reed  mentioned the need for “factual evidence.” Is there any other kind? Are 18 unreported contacts with Russian agents factual evidence, one wonders.

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