According to the Olean Times Herald, Cattaraugus County Democrats will meet on Saturday (January 27) and has invited four of the seven Democratic Candidates:
Eddie Sundquist received the endorsement of the Chautauqua County Democratic Committee. Ian Golden had the most votes in a three county (Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua) Straw Vote fund-raiser in October. Earlier this week, Mitrano received the most votes in a straw poll after the Issue-Focused Forum in Geneva. In the Geneva Straw Poll each audience member could indicate their three favorite candidate. The results were going to be given to the candidates. Mitrano announced that she won by 100 votes.
The candidates are scheduled to be at a Meet and Greet activity in Seneca Falls on Sunday. Tompkins County Democratic Committee will be hosting its candidate forum and straw poll on February 12. Are other get-togethers being planned?
Petitioning to get on the June 26 Democratic Primary begins on March 6, and have to be turned into the State Board of Elections in Albany on April 12. Each candidate need to have at least 1250 NY-23 registered democratic signatures to be a certified candidate.
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