Author Archives: Dayana Korvut

A big change | New NY 23rd

October 11, 2017 cover photo: Tom as the “good shepherd” stands above politics. January 4, 2017 cover photo: Family, flags, GOP Speaker Ryan, fake smiles. Do these photos reflect a change in campaign strategy? Is Tom Reed distancing himself from … Continue reading

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A Singular Opportunity: Let’s Not Blow It | New NY 23rd

Whenever I switch cars, I have this odd experience; maybe you can relate. You’re driving around in your new vehicle, and suddenly you see your same make and model EVERYWHERE! “I didn’t know there were so many of these on … Continue reading

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Special interests in education | New NY 23rd

I think an educational dollar going to a school resource officer would be a good use of an educational dollar.–Tom Reed at Enfield as reported by Matt Steecker in the Elmira Star-Gazette Earlier today, I had the pleasure of speaking … Continue reading

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Plumb reacts to Reed’s meeting with Trump | New NY 23rd

News release from John Plumb’s Campaign for to represent the NY23rd Congressional District JAMESTOWN—Fourth generation Western New Yorker, Navy Reserve Commander, and Democratic candidate for Congress John Plumb today responded to news of a Washington, DC meeting between GOP Presidential … Continue reading

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Diversity in Congress | New NY 23rd

For the 2018 mid-term elections, an unprecedented number of women are standing, with more than 250 in the running for Congressional office following the selection of candidates in the primaries.–BBC News Congress poorly reflects the population; in particular, women are … Continue reading

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The First Circle | New NY 23rd

In The First Circle, a novel by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, Stalin suspects there is a spy in the Soviet Foreign Ministry. Scientists, working as slaves in a government laboratory, are asked to identify the spy by analyzing voice recordings. The … Continue reading

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Afghanistan timeline | New NY 23rd

Soviet Russia supports a moderate Afghan government. Ronald Reagan doesn’t like Communists. Mujahedeen are anti-communist, so Reagan gives them weapons. The Russians leave Afghanistan. The Taliban take over. After 9/11, the Taliban won’t give up Osama bin Laden GWB decides … Continue reading

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Again! | New NY 23rd

This article was submitted by Lee Marcus of Arkport. America is the country where children are routinely shot dead in school. Woke now? I’ll tell you who’s woke. Steve Bannon. Last week, Bannon announced that what we’re seeing today is … Continue reading

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Ideology or Class: Are we getting a raw deal? | New NY 23rd

Ryan Lizza, writing in the Jan. 22nd issue of “The New Yorker,” tells us that voters no longer care much about ideology–who is the most conservative–but about class. Trump has stolen the show by appealing to a large class of … Continue reading

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Lobbyists | New NY 23rd

This article was written by Cath Kestler, a nurse and Silver Creek resident and a friend of New NY 23rd   This past Saturday there was a packed house at the Town Hall meeting with Tom Reed;most of you will … Continue reading

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