The silly things we read

I refused to support the Democrats’ big government funding bill that will make America’s problems even worse.–Rep. Tenney

  • Whatever isn’t universally liked is Joe Biden’s fault.
  • Government should resolve one particular issue before considering or acting on anything else.
  • A bill which appropriates $1.7 trillion should be brief.
  • An appropriations bill pointedly, repeatedly and negatively described as a “spending bill as if all spending were unwarranted.”
  • The government should cease operation while Congress struggles over appropriations.
  • Senators who vote to fund the government singled out for criticism.
  • Every loyal Republican (or Democrat) should have the same opinion on every issue.
  • Our Federal budget is the cause of worldwide inflation.
  • We would be better off without a Federal Government.
  • Whatever we don’t like is unconstitutional.
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