It’s up to us | New NY 23rd

I can make policy, but will the people comply? — Gov. Cuomo

I’m a cheerleader — DJT

The virus will decide — Dr. Fauci

President Trump can’t restart the economy, that’s up to us. Retail stores won’t open if customers stay away. Restaurants will fail or turn to take-out if customers are afraid. People won’t send their children to school if they don’t think it safe. Barbers can open shop, but it won’t work if customers are afraid to come.

I believe Gov. Cuomo is right– people will do right when they understand the need.  Thus it is important to understand the facts. We don’t need wishful thinking from a cheerleader.

Dr. Fauci’s comment may be politically correct, but is false. The people will decide when it’s safe. For the more vulnerable among us, it may be a long wait.

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