What does Nick Langworthy say about himself? | New NY 23rd

Max Della Pia, Nick’s opponent for office

What if the Trump coup succeeds? It’s still going on you should know, backed by some of those who swore to protect The Constitution.

What does Nick Langworthy say about himself? It isn’t easy to tell. His web page only asks for donations; his facebook posts are mostly complaints about others. Here are some excerpts from his facebook posts:

Sept. 15th — “This is great news for the people of Cattaraugus County who suffered a huge blow when Dresser-Rand closed its doors. Under the right policies, the Southern Tier has the capacity for an economic revival and as your Congressman, I will fight to bring good-paying jobs to our region.

There is more to this story; reading the headline doesn’t tell all:

The deal isn’t quite there yet, as the companies are asking the Cattaraugus County IDA for a package of tax incentives that include $400,000 in sales tax breaks, $125,000 in mortgage-recording tax breaks and a 20-year enhanced manufacturing facility property tax break that would have them paying no property taxes for the first 15 years.

Tom Reed once vowed to keep the former Dresser-Rand plant open. When that didn’t happen, he shut up about it. If Republican politicians are good for us, one wonders why there is still so much poverty here after nearly twelve years of Tom Reed.

September 16th — Coming soon to New York if we don’t deliver big change this November. They want you to sell your gas car to buy an electric car, but then you can only charge it when they say you can because the grid can’t handle the burden. Insanity!

There is no they who say, or will say, you can’t sell your car or that you can’t charge your electric car when you like. Nick, like Tom Reed, in spite of having no relevant education or experience with the electric power industry, poses as an expert; that’s the politics of fear; that’s insanity.

September 16th — There is a sad pattern of lies coming out of the White House that are designed to make you believe that everyone is doing just fine, but the truth is that people are struggling under Biden’s harmful economic policies. Wages are not keeping up with inflation and things will only get worse the deeper we get into the recession. We have to put the brakes on this runaway train.

Information from the White House informs us of facts. Politicians like Nick tell us what to believe; I think most resent being told what to think. Nick proposes no alternative economic policy. The runaway train platitude is an appeal to you know who.

September 16th — We were told inflation was just “temporary” but here we are a year later and we are still facing 40-year records. The only way to stop inflation is to stop printing money for Biden & Pelosi’s reckless spending.

Nick, like Tom Reed, in spite of having no relevant education in economics (he has a BA in political science) poses as an expert. Again, that’s insanity. A leader would tell us that our government is doing, and will continue to do, what it can to slow inflation and mitigate the harm it causes the vulnerable. A demagogue would offer a vague, naive solution to an intractable problem.

There is much more; read it for yourself.

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