Shared Economy | New NY 23rd

“Shared Economy is also known as collaborative consumption or collaborative economy or peer economy. It refers to a hybrid market model of a peer-to-peer exchange. Such transactions are often facilitated via community-based online services.”–Wikipedia

Uber has an incredible history of positive disruption and has been the single biggest player in the transformation of the car service industry“Getting to work reliably is a concern for many, and today’s discussion was incredibly beneficial as Uber looks toward retooling how people get to work and provide for their families.–Rep Tom Reed

“Positive disruption,” what is that? “Car service industry,” “incredible beneficial,” what can Tom mean?

We’re growing as we’re talking about it. –Patrick Lyden, Uber federal policy representative

Lyden and Reed also discussed how the tax code needs to be restructured to reflect the changing economy that would mirror how businesses like Uber are employing individuals.

We need to modernize the tax code to recognize that there is a portion of this workforce that wants to work in a flexible way, Lyden said.

Wants to work in a flexible way, or can’t find a full time job with benefits that pays a living wage?

Reed used the term “back packing” as it relates to individuals maintaining their earned benefits who might work for multiple employers. He said current work with the tax code will attempt to reflect those individuals with jobs like that of Uber.

By “reflect those individuals” what might Tom mean?

The Post-Journal article isn’t clear: when Tom talks tax law changes, what problem does he mean to solve? Does he want to help Uber, their drivers, riders, or the Treasury? If the discussion with Uber was “incredibly beneficial,” whom did it help? Tom may have accidentally chosen the right word–much of what he says is incredible.

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