Tom Reed in Dailykos most “vulnerable congressmen” list | New NY 23rd

The article was written by a NY23rd resident who wishes to remain anonymous.

Dailykos released its 2016 most competitive districts list which included our district NY23rd. While other sites such as congressional quarterly named this race as “leans republican” several months ago many things have changed since the first race ratings came out.

First, our dear great Congressman released a web ad disparaging his democratic opponent John Plumb as a carpet bagger for having served in the military. This brought out so much disgust in the people of the Southern Tier, that his campaign staff removed the ad from his facebook wall, a few hours after it went up.

Second this ad not only provoked a rebuke from people in his own district, it led to democrats being able to galvanize the Democratic base within the district to condemn Tom Reed for attacking a veteran.

Seriously the ad was so childish that it accused John Plumb of “working with Ithaca liberals” but not exactly saying what they were working to do together.

Once constituents were introduced to Plumb and his record of having deployed not once but twice to the Middle East, and being a decorated combat veteran, most people rebuked it.

Plus Tom Reed as much as he may not like it, was born outside of District in Joliet Illinois.

Finally Commander Plumb just came out with an endorsement of VoteVets PAC, which is the biggest democratic veteran organization in the country. Most importantly he was endorsed because he puts our national security before politics.

It’s safe to say that the people of the Southern Tier are starting to see that Congressman Reed chooses politics over patriotism, by choosing to insult the flag and veterans all veterans by calling one of their own a carpetbagger for answering the call.

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