A New House Select Committee on Aging | New NY 23rd

The “House Permanent Select Committee on Aging” was a permanent select committee of the House from 1974 to 1992. Now there are proposals for a new committee.

H.Res.583, “Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to establish a Permanent Select Committee on Aging,” was introduced by Rep. Cicillini (D-RI) on August 10, 2021. It currently has 46 cosponsors, all Democrats. “This resolution establishes a House Permanent Select Committee on Aging.” (CRS Summary) Four of the cosponsors are from New York.

Rep. Tenney (R-NY) introduced a competing resolution on April 26, 2022: H.Res. 1064. “There is hereby established in the House of Representatives the Select Committee on Older Americans.” H.Res. 1064 has one cosponsor.

Democrats Resolution H.Res. 583, 46 cosponsors Republican Resolution H.Res. 1064, 1 cosponsor
Permanent Temporary
Broad Scope Narrow Scope
Referred to Rules Committee Referred to Rules Committee
No focus specified Focus on Covid 19

Two Resolutions

From the text of the Democrat’s Resolution H.Res.583:

There is established a Permanent Select Committee on Aging which shall not have legislative jurisdiction but which shall have jurisdiction—

“(1) to conduct a continuing comprehensive study and review of the problems of the older American, including but not limited to income maintenance, poverty, housing, health (including medical research), welfare, employment, education, recreation, and long-term care;

“(2) to study the use of all practicable means and methods of encouraging the fevelopment of public and private programs and policies which will assist the older American in taking a full part in national life and which will encourage the utilization of the knowledge, skills, special aptitudes, and abilities of older Americans to contribute to a better quality of life for all Americans;

“(3) to develop policies that would encourage the coordination of both governmental and private programs designed to deal with problems of aging; and

“(4) to review any recommendations made by the President or by the White House Conference on aging relation to programs or policies affecting older Americans.”

From Rep. Tenney’s summary of the Republican resolution:

• The House Resolution establishes a temporary, bipartisan Select Committee on Older Americans made up of six members from each party to serve as a forum for inquiry into the unique economic, health, housing, and social issues facing older Americans. The Select Committee is charged with specifically looking into the challenges facing older Americans arising from the COVID–19 pandemic.

• Further, the Select Committee will conduct hearings, collaborate with Congressional committees, and entities of the legislative and executive branches of the federal government to raise awareness and promote initiatives and recommendations to the U.S. House of Representatives.

• The Select Committee will produce interim reports every 120 days starting after the appointment of its members. Finally, the Select Committee will submit a final report to the House no later than 2 years after the appointment of its members, detailing the findings, policies, and recommendations. The Select Committee will be terminated on the day the final report is submitted.

Rep. Cicillini’s resolution has yet to be approved by the Rules Committee for a vote; Rep. Tenney’s resolution is unlikely to be approved. If Rep. Tenney were serious about aging, she might have cosponsored Rep. Cicillini’s resolution.

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