Rep. Langworthy speaks | New NY 23rd

The medium is the message.–Marshall McLuhan

Politicians embrace facebook because it is an effective means of mass communication, a one-way street from their propaganda mills into our minds.

  1. We are one step closer to ensuring con-man George Santos is gone from Congress for good. May 17, (They voted not to expel him.)
  2. The clock is ticking on a debt limit deal & Biden & the Senate need to start treating it with the seriousness it deserves. May 17
  3. We need to stop these handouts (renewable energy incentives) that are fueling reckless spending and inflation. May 17
  4. This gets worse & worse by the day….Another thread is revealed in the web of Biden family corruption. May 17
  5. New York was a breeding ground for the Defund the Police movement and the results have been deadly. May 16
  6. We cannot overstate the seriousness of what occurred inside the highest levels of our nation’s law enforcement system. May 16, (re. the Durham Report)
  7. Crime & lawlessness have gripped our nation’s capital thanks to the radical left policies that embolden criminals and handcuff our police. May 16
  8. I joined One America News Network to discuss our House Oversight committee work into the corrupt web of the Biden family’s business dealings with foreign nations. May 16
  9. Hunter Biden and his relatives traded profitably off the Biden name with transactions that suggest the main family business is influence peddling. May 16
  10. Homeless American veterans who selflessly served our country are being booted out on the streets to make room for citizens of other nations who broke our laws to come here. May 16

In only two days, a smoke screen of divisive distraction from important issues of the day.

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