Daily Archives: June 9, 2023

The long campaign is starting | New NY 23rd

“Democrats  need to get a candidate soon!! I for one am ready to work.  I just wish we had a front runner so we could start working …. it’s an uphill trek we are embarking on and we may as … Continue reading

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The Sordid Story of Spiro Agnew’s Crimes | New NY 23rd

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s because history really is here to help. — “Bagman,” page 19 If I leave this office without enemies, I will not have done the job properly. I think that the public has to … Continue reading

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Rep. Andy Kim on Jan 6, 2021 | New NY 23rd

Compiled / tweeted by Rep. Andy Kim: Remember what Republican leaders said before amnesia set in. I took notes that night: Mitch McConnell (Jan 6): “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people…They … Continue reading

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What Do You Care What Other People Think? | New NY 23rd

“What Do You Care What Other People Think?”is the second of two books of oral reminiscences of American physicist Richard Feynman. Feynman explains that this was the advice given by his wife. This advice seems to have served him well. … Continue reading

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NY23rd Candidate: Charles Whalen | New NY 23rd

Charles Whalen is a democrat running to oppose incumbent Rep. Tom Reed in November’s Federal Election. I have invited Charles and the other candidates to share Press Releases, Comments on political issues and other bits of information to help the NY23rd … Continue reading

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Reed stands with lobbyists | New NY 23rd

The 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) now being refined by the lame-duck Congress is one of the most-lobbied health care bills in recent history, with nearly three lobbyists working for its passage or defeat for every member on Capitol … Continue reading

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Jobs | New NY 23rd

Isabelle Leyva and Simon McCormack, authors of an article for The New York Civil Liberties Union, ask “Does adding more police deliver results?” They write: In our shows, movies, and novels, they are our heroes in blue. To elected officials, they … Continue reading

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Is the President doing what he promised | New NY 23rd

“Despite President Donald Trump’s perceived missteps during his first two weeks in office, U.S. Rep. Tom Reed said Monday he was encouraged by the president doing what he said he would do on the campaign trail.” — Rick Miller in … Continue reading

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Classified Documents | New NY 23rd

This document was officially declassified circa 1950. “There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump said. “You’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified, even by thinking about it.“–Politico … Continue reading

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Covid 19, Part III | New NY 23rd

Arthur Ahrens of Branchport is the author of this article which is published here with permission. Views expressed by contributors are their own. A nuclear reactor is a marvelous piece of technology. Electricity is generated by turbines driven by steam … Continue reading

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