Indivisible NY23rd | New NY 23rd

The New York Times had an “OP-ED” on January 2 about the “Indivisible“, a guide to direct grassroots groups to create a resistance for the Trump/GOP agenda. Rachel Maddow followed with a segment on her MSNBC program on two days later, less than 3 weeks ago. An article in the Austin Texas “My Statesman” site, dated January 18, claims there have been 3300 Indivisible group organized. I know that there is at least one in Yates  County, and Saturday at the Seneca Falls Women’s March, I met two women from Naples who have started a group.

Also at Seneca Falls I found that there is an “Indivisible of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes” organization. Basically they cover the whole NY 23rd. Their goal is to have groups started in each of the 11 NY 23rd counties. They have planned trainings, will collect and share strategies of the local group, and increase communication among the groups of the NY 23rd.   They now have a website (, a twitter account (@indivisibleny23rd) and an email address ([email protected]).  Although the website is very new it has  features that will those who are thinking of joining should know about:

  • A Calendar of Events.  The events are color coded, and there is one color set aside from Rallies, Rep. Reed’s Town Hall meetings, Community Events, Trainings, March, other.
  • Media & Press. They already have news articles, Facebook Postings, Op-Eds, and letters to the editor from around the NY 23rd.
  • County Listings of contact information (and maybe more items later).
  • They plan to have a Blog.

If your are interested in becoming involved in this movement in any way–take a look at Indivisible of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes.

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