Dave Brat’s Ten Principles | New NY 23rd

  1. Facilitate a budget that balances within 10 years and seek to enforce it through the authorizing and appropriations process.
  2. Encourage committees to advance market-driven health care reforms to replace Obamacare.
  3. Support policies that secure the border and enable interior enforcement while opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.
  4. Urge all committees to advance agendas based on limited government, economic opportunity, and fiscal responsibility.
  5. Enforce the rule of law and separation of powers against executive (presidential) overreach.
  6. Seek reforms of the Republican Conference Rules so leadership committees better represent the American people.
  7. Adhere to the majority-of-the-majority principle for bringing legislation to the floor.
  8. Support changes to the budget process to promote fiscal responsibility, particularly regarding mandatory programs (70% of current spending).
  9. Empower committee members to choose chairs and craft reform legislation without fear of retaliation.
  10. Broaden opportunities to offer amendments and legislation on the House floor with full debate.

The majority-of-the-majority principle is the Hastert rule used by Republican Speakers to keep the GOP from disintegrating.

Balanced budget, market-driven health care, no amnesty for illegal immigrants, limited government, attacks on executive action, Hastert Rule, cut government spending–these aren’t political principles for good government, but radical policy proposals of the far right.



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